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Posts posted by eXile

  1. I played again the other night and was starting to enjoy it again, but then it just became frustrating to the point where I ejected the disc from my PS3 and went back to play GT5.. Its a good game, but it could be better, not to jump on the bandwagon, but the physics really aren't that great now that I've almost played through the whole game. I was driving my Mclaren and I kind of felt like I was driving a truck or something.. and it made me wish they had just kept TDU's physics. I also hate the way the Enzo sounds, when the car is at the redline and I shift, the car sounds like I just "short shifted".. I also bought 2 new DLC cars and they haven't appeared in either of the used car dealerships...




    TDU2 is a good game, but its going to be placed on my shelf and probably not touched for quite some time, and I hope you all can respect that..


    Im not against you or anything but you have repeated yourself about 5 times now in similar posts. Okay you hate the game, or more like some aspects of it but not need to nag. Just don't play it. Don't take this personally its just annoying seeing the same comment or meaning in a comment every time. Yes the physics are arcade or more like MORE arcade but nobody is forcing you to play. Once you have a few friends going actively with you on it all the time like I do, you start to forget about the bugs and enjoy the game and have a laugh.


    DLC will be in used car dealership and maximum waiting time is 3 days IRL. My first ever DLC (which was the veyrons) took 2 days to come. The newest DLC (preorder cars) were instant pretty much. I bought them, restarted the game and it said 0/7 in the dealer.


    Hope you change your mind its a nice game, not a simulator. You cannot compare GT5 with TDU2 in any way. Its just silly..


    - eXile

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