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New laptop

After years and generations of surface pro 2 and pro 4, I am finally switched! (note, this is early review, will update as I use the device more and more Recently picked up this https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-spectre-x360-2-in-1-13-3-uhd-touch-screen-laptop-intel-core-i7-16gb-memory-512gb-solid-state-drive-poseidon-blue/6301163.p?skuId=6301163   before you say anything, yes I know it does not have a dedicated GPU, but I already have a stationary PC that's powerful enough for gami



Bifrost + Valhalla 2

Due Defect unit of my previous setup, decided to pull the trigger on this upgrade (also small treat for myself for the new job)   Here are just some day one impressions When talk about tube amps, people generally say they are warm and smooth, it gives me an impression that it is best for midrange frequency You know me, I like Japanese music and Anime, it is full of female vocals they are very rich in the high frequency spectrum, to the point sometimes even piercing trebl



Open back headphones - HD800, HE-400i, AD900X

This is just my review of recent personal owned HD800, HE-400i, AD900X Since I have owned many other headphones currently and in the past, I feel that I should have a good taste of the audio world   My desktop setup: P1 > M8 > VA2 This is the SMSL stack consists of power supply, DAC and AMP   Sennheiser HD800 was widely regarded as world's best consumer headphone when it was released Til today it is still considered by many, the best dynamic hea



铁三角/Audio-Technica CKR9 and 森海塞尔/Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Review

要是进入太细节估计会变很长文,我就说说一些比较明显的缺点跟优点吧 先说说Sennheiser 缺点: 边缘的金属跟耳罩之间的间隙,要是有风吹过会有摩擦音 因为耳机宽度是刚好适合人耳的,带眼镜会轻压到边框 高音不是非常清晰,没有中低音那么稳定 优点: 整体来说driver大概是200~300美金价位,这款耳机的官方报价是350,最近已经降到250左右 音色相对非常平衡,适合众多genre 外观是我见过的耳机里面(open back除外),设计最好的 作为一个overear类型的便携式耳机只有190g也是非常适合带出去使用 可以折叠跟调整的部位很多,适合各种人,耳罩往后斜虽然可以解决眼镜边缘的问题但是同时会导致部分声音在耳朵后方 在买这个之前我跟铁三角的MSR7比较了很久,最终因为后者的舒适问题(重量跟压力点)选择了这个 Audio-Technica 缺点: 外壳部分的形状不适合小耳朵的人,带着会压到耳朵canal导致发红跟痛 耳机跟线非常敏感,摩擦到衣服跟在部分器械使用会有噪音 BASS等中音表现不太好 优点: 一般你



Just reached Legend yesterday, posting decks and card choice strategy

Legend Proof and deck list plus win-rate against all class graph: http://imgur.com/a/VYC90 (all games are recorded in ranked) According to the record, it took me total 300+ games to reach legend (-_-)/~~~ピシー!ピシー! Just to clarify, I did not make the deck myself Warrior deck credit to Sjow's original deck Druid deck credit to neviilz2 made that post just couple days ago So why only showing 29 cards? Yes, I find most people post complete decks I think this can create a completed figure for t



Some inputs regarding Sword Art Online II last few episodes and the ending song

Let me just quickly summarize the last few episodes setting is the same virtual game world Our main character "Asuna" met a girl named "Yuuki" through a dual and helped her clear a dungeon boss with her friends When Asuna got denied further communication from Yuuki, she found out Yuuki has final stage aid and have been in bed for 3 whole years Since then, Asuna used the terminal machine made by Kirigaya to let Yuuki enjoy the real world, everyday Asuna carried it to transferred vision and s



文库 壁纸...

收集者:moerukabegami.com 富士見書房 愛読者限定壁紙 http://www.fujimishobo.co.jp/novel/fantasia.php 月刊少年ガンガン 【右下角 http://gangan.square-enix.co.jp/ ファミ通文庫 【新作口绘 / 每月壁纸 http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/fb/pc/20omake/index.html http://www.shonenjump.com/j/ 【週刊少年ジャンプ】→[カスタマイズ]→[今月のカレンダー壁紙] http://sundaygx.com/members/index.html 【サンデーGX】→[メンバーズ]※クイズに回答 http://sneakerbunko.jp/ 右下 【スニーカー文庫】→[ザ・スニWEBアンケート]※要アンケート回答 ジャンプJブックス 最新ニュース http://j-books.shueisha.co.jp/ http://www.comic-valkyrie.com/ 右侧 【コミック ヴァルキ



Madoka Magica the 3rd movie -rebellion-

Went to the cinema last week with friends to watch this awesome movie while the a lot of content of the movie has not much to say, it is those irregular type of storyline, where you can't really tell what happened at every detail but I can tell you, the story itself gave me a big impact the story is a continuation from the last two movies or the Anime series (since they are almost identical) =============spoil part============================ the plot starts after Madoka changed the theory of



A new headphone

Beats Studio 2013 And the old one I had is Bose AE2i This is my first time trying out a noise cancelling headphone At first I was not used to the hizz sound made by active noise cancelling but it only lasted a day, plus, if you listen to music, you won't be able to hear that sound at all (unless you turn it to very low) The battery will run around 10+hours, I am a pretty aggressive music listener and it can last around 3 days withou charging it again The other good part of having




皆さんこんにちは。やっと休みになりました。。。疲れたわい~ 各位好。我终于歇班了。。。累死我了。。。 11月の分もまとまりましたが、どうも少ない気が。。。。まぁ、仕方がないさ、モノがモノだし。 11月的东西也都弄好了,不过咋感觉有点少。。。也罢,毕竟东西那啥。 神猫Tシャツとはがないシーツに、ゲーム2本とマンガ3巻。いつもより少ないが、今月(つーか先月?まぁ、いつものネタだから、ツッコまないで下さい)はなんと、久しぶりにフィギュアを買った。 神猫T恤,友少床单,游戏2张漫画3本。虽然是比平时都少,但是这回却时隔很久的买了个PVC。 一目惚れしましたので、我慢も効かずに買いました。。。やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっているな~えへ(ペコ)。 一见钟情的就买回来了。。。果然我的青春恋爱喜剧是错的,哎嘿。 最後は自分への誕生日プレゼント、Wii Uです。マリオ楽しかったぜ!(ちなみにWii Uのゲームは本当に少ないな~) 最后是给自己的生日礼物,WII U。马里奥好好玩!(顺便一提WII U游戏还真是少。)




また1年過ぎまして、27になった僕ですが、気力は弱まり一方でした。最近なんかゲームしかやってない調子になって、なかなか抜けさせない感じでした。最悪、このまま消えて。。。。なんてことになるかもしれない勢いでした。。。 又是一年血和泪。不知不觉的我也27了。动力是一年不如一年了。最近几个月除了玩游戏貌似啥也没干。没准再过两年我也就消失了233. 今年は友達と一緒に「金百馥」という店で誕生日パーティーをやりました。168元(約3000円弱)で食べ放題なので、僕的にはやや好感的。特に大勢の友達と一緒だと、「店にあるもの全部食うぞ」の勢いで食べるのがマジで面白い。 今年和朋友们去了一家叫金百馥的店,个人感觉还不错。尤其是168元不限量随便吃这一点,尤其适合朋友聚会。 天ぷらはアニメと違いすぎるな~あはは。 这个炸虾大家在动画里该是常能见到233. 僕的には寿司と刺し身がいいと思います。でも、この店のわさびはちょっとイマイチって感じ。 寿司什么的果断每种都来了点233.顺便一提的是我吃了不少三文鱼。果然三文鱼就是要吃生鱼片。照片什么的在照之前我就吃光了。



League of Legend Season 3 about to end - Platinum now!

I guess it's a pretty good acomplishment(platinum) since I only started playing this game half year ago and hopefully I will reach even higher tier next season so according to Riot, by the end of this season (this month 11th to be exact) I will receive loading screen border, avatar, victories skin etc reward, and they last until the end of season 4 (which is another year) Anyone who interested in playing with me in game, you can find me at North America server, player name: Eudemon369 note




なんか久しぶりな感じがするけど、まぁいいか。 9月がないなのはあまりにも少ないなので、無視しようって思ったからだ。 で、これが前予告した10月の成果。多分これらは今年一番の成果だろう。 モノの量は量なので、いちいち言うつもりはないが、ご覧のとおりWii U のゲームソフトがあるので、近いうちに(具体的に言えば1週間後)Wii U本体も買うつもりです。 あと、ルルーシュR2のBDBOXも来年の3月26日発売予定。それも買うつもりです。 PS:あんなちゃんはいい女だ!



New PC built with specs

This is two weeks delayed post, as I'm just too busy with school and works here is the spec 1 x HP Pavilion 23xi Silver / Black 23" 7ms HDMI Widescreen LED Backlight LCD Monitor, IPS Panel 250 cd/m2 10,000,000:1 1 x Thermaltake Overseer RX-I VN700M1W2N Black Steel / Plastic ATX Full Tower Computer Case 1 x Intel Core i7-4770K Haswell 3.5GHz LGA 1150 84W Quad-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics BX80646I74770K 1 x ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 GeForce GTX 760 2GB 256-bi



Six Flags

I drove with 3 friends, the whole trip took around 5 hours, and they just slept 5 hours lol The views are beautiful Safari - basically a small size zoo, you get a ride to see animals We were originally planned to go on the 90 degree roller coaster But after 3 attempts of the smaller ones, mostly the last one I was like -> ->



Trip to up-state, thousand islands, niagara fall, great lakes, fort and others

Went on a family trip to New York up state last week Below are some major viewpoints Thousand islands - literally 1864 islands along the Canadian and US border river and this always reminds me of the community "thousand eyes" from mondaiji (゚∀゚) Three star hotel - the place was pretty comfortable, but due to our tight schedule, didn't have enough time to enjoy it British and French Fort - during the time of colonization, until took over by the U.S, the forts are



End of summer, and my own car

So today is the first day of classes of fall Looking back to the things I have done in the summer, hmm Basically: work, website, dentist and some game time (You may wonder how dentist can consume that much time, the answer is, I got two root canals and bunch other treatments which cost me like 15+ visits to the dentist, and still haven't finished yet, sob sob) Follow by the school start now I have to be a full time student with two part time jobs Which is going to be pretty hard for me, hm




7月はマンガのみだから8月のと一緒にお見せしますね。(まぁ、それでもマンガが主なのは変わらなかったけどな) 因为7月只有漫画,于是就和8月的一起放出了。(虽然即便如此依旧是漫画为主) ちなみに言うと、「君は淫らな僕の女王」は(ちょっと)エロいけど、ちっとも淫らじゃない。。。むしろ僕的には、これは純愛系マンガだと言っても過言ではありません。。。。(は?なに?エロシーンがあったから純愛じゃない?じゃお前らは彼女とエロいことしないのか?はい、童貞乙。) 顺便一提的就是,《你是淫荡的我的女王》虽然(稍微)色色的,但是一点也不淫荡。。。不如说在我看来就算说这是一本纯爱漫画也不为过。。。(啥?你说有H情节就不是纯爱?那你们都不上女朋友的么?好了处男请闭嘴。) 夜空大好き!僕の友達(セフレ)になってください! 最喜欢夜空了!来做我的朋(pao)友吧! CMではありませんよ。えへ! 这不是广告哦,哎嘿! 最後は予告。10月は良い物あるぞ! 最后是预告。10月有好东西哦!



New Internet Service

So after having internet latency and package loss issues for over few month with time warner and called 30+ times had them came over 10+ times, and they couldn't fix the issue Now I switched to Verizon Fios, Besides the stability (which is the reason why I switched) I am also very happy with the speed Download whole season of an anime (3.5G) only took 5 minutes which mean uploading whole season of an anime should take about 8 minutes below is the speed test



A new homepage?

Recently I tried with flash, but failed If I ever gonna go about changing the homepage, it will be responsive (meaning it will support tablets and smartphones) However, since there are limitations using our own framework, the homepage may (yes, may or may not) use a completely different stand alone page while the rest of the site remain unchanged Speaking of our own framework, I will try apply it to our music system once I have time, not sure about how it will go since the setup structure is




二ヶ月分まとめて行くよ。自分でいうのもなんだけど、結構いいモノがあったよ。 两个月放在一起发了啊。虽然这话自己说有点那啥的感觉,不过真的有不错的东西哦。 これは5月のモノですが、やっぱりマンガが主になってる感じ。故に詳しくは言わないとしよ。重点的に6月分のモノを語りましょう。 5月的东西还是依旧以漫画为主,就不多说了。重点来说一下6月的东西吧。 はい、これがその6月分のモノだ。色々あって、いつも通りの感じだね。 这些就是6月的东西了,和平常的感觉一样,有不同种类的东西。 タペストリーとTシャツx3 挂画和T恤。 これでまた一歩前進だね。目標!31着! 这样就又前进了一步。目标31件! 膝掛けにビッグタオル。 盖膝盖的毯子和浴巾。 最後はアスナトレーディングストラップ。 最后是明日奈挂饰BOX はい、これでよし。 好了,就这样了。




皆さんこんにちは。また1ヶ月過ぎました。案の定、今回も遅くなりました。4月分もモノは少しばかり少ないですが、それは仕方ありませんでした。何せ戦闘力(金)がほとんどなかったので、しばらくの間は大人しくしなければならなかった。で、早速ですが、今回の収穫物を説明しましょう。 各位好,又过了一个月了。这回也如各位所料的晚了。4月份的东西有些少,不过这也是没办法的事。毕竟我的战斗力(钱)几乎都见底了,于是我只能老实一段时间了。废话少说,下面开始说明这回的东西吧。 まずはマンガ。 首先是漫画。 藤村くんメイツ第7巻。知らず知らずの間、7巻も買いました。今回も面白かったです。こういう読みながら笑える作品が大好きなので、これからも買い続けると思う。同じ趣味の人はよかったら読んでみてください。 藤村君友第7卷。不知不觉之中都买了7卷了。这回也很有趣。由于我本人很喜欢这种可以边读边笑的作品,今后也会一直买下去。和我有同样爱好的人不妨也买来看看。 ぬらりひょんの孫最終巻。いよいよ最終巻でした。ぬらりひょん三代に渡る任侠物語ついに完結!長かった。。。自分の好きな作品が完結する時に感じる喜びや寂



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