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Posts posted by eXile

  1. Seriously, go drown yourselves. I am writing about a VIDEO GAME not your mothers!


    Is this suppose to be a threat ? :rolleyes:


    Dude your being immature, and annoying by posting the same stuff all the time. Okay this thread is about savegames but what you suggest in your first post, goes into the category of cheating. Just do online races + CRC and you will get money, stop complaining. And do Grow Up please, no need for insults.

  2. i didnt even know there was DLC cars already, but im glad the prices arent much.

    tho i am not sure about ur figures.... 2-3 months for one car? i dont think so man. im fairly confident i could get a modelling app, learn to use it AND make a true to life ferrari F40 in 3 months. for experienced modellers i am sure it wont take more than a fortnight for a model, maybe a month overall.

    ill be shocked if ur right anyways :p


    DLC: DLC Store | Test Drive Unlimited 2 Official Website


    I wouldn't call them "Cars", its more of re-skins for existing cars with a few rim changes but yeah they are worth owning if you want that much more "exclusivity" ;)

  3. ;) I was banned from the official forums... like most people:D.


    Personally, I don't think its a great idea, when you need...


    -$ 20,821,363 to buy all cars


    -$ 36,391,350 to buy all houses


    -TOTAL: $ 57,212,713 to buy all cars & houses.


    plus Tuning Options, Clothes, Furniture, Stickers, etc...


    ...specially because throughout all the games challenges & events you win about $ 15,000,000 minus the money you have to spend on cars to do challenges and houses to park them, you get about $10,000,000.


    So why would EDEN block the Save Files if you only get 10 millions to buy your dream houses and cars, but to buy it all you need 60 million?




    Okay dude, I have seen about 5-6 posts of yours now around the forums and all are negative, abusing the makers of the game or just trying to say how bad TDU2 is. Well if it is so bad, why are you playing it still ? Just delete it and be quiet about it seriously, no need to flame it in every single thread/post of yours man... You don't like it fine, complain to Atari/Eden, with a valid point.


    You also said "like everybody else" when you were talking about being banned on their website/forums ? Err I know quite a lot of people on there and none are banned :/ I don't know where you get these statistics from but if you went all vulgar and started swearing at the staff (be it in an email or a ticket) then of course they will ban you. I would ban you too if I got something like that sent to me. You need to understand that you have to be mature in your posts and at the same time angry but not go over the top.


    Don't get me wrong, Im not "Hating" on your or anything, but please stop posting negative stuff about the game, you would do everybody a favour of reading the same old s..ugar over and over again.




    I've already done it, in several ways:para:


    What cheating or complaining ? :cheeky:

  4. The look and feel and quality of Apple products is amazing. I would have (and I do) an iPhone anyday over any android/windows smartphone (: infact especially blackberrys, I dont understand the big hype about them, they are ugly and slow.


    Ontopic: Very great drawing, its almost like the real thing! + REP

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