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Posts posted by eXile

  1. No yours doesn't sound fine. The Scuderia sound is terrible in the game. Altho some ppl weirdly like it.


    Oh yeah I know it doesn't sound anywhere near realistic but then nor do all the other cars really. I thought he had like some sound issue that messes the sound up.


    My bad (:

  2. Is it just my game or is this in everyone`s game?

    The 430`s have completly wrong sound, seems like when i have 5000revs,

    the car sounds like 10 000revs. what the hell? They don`t have quality control before they launch game?


    Mine sounds fine ? Can you upload a video or something so we can hear/see it ?

  3. Dude I cant see you anymore, what the heck is with the servers :/


    Although that drum n bass song on the radio kept me happy, :D


    But wtf, FR system down, servers are down, connection gets lost all the time, FPS drops.... ATARI dissapointment ?

  4. I will wait inside there until 19:50. Can't see you yet.


    I was outside until now lol I need to go eat now though, so I will leave my car outside the yacht place, come meet me there, i ll be back in 10 mins. AFK till then. Also it doesnt get full of 8 people (per server) that way so you can connect to me.

  5. Ok I have a few problems with both features.


    First If I make some photos (with terrible effort as the photomode in TDU2 is so stupid, buggy and annoying) they would go here right?


    C:\Users\Skyline\Documents\Eden Games\Test Drive Unlimited 2\savegame\eXile6\PHOTOS


    If yes then so far so good.


    Then I would go in there and there would be a few JPEG file pictures that I have taken.


    However when I try to open them, this comes up:




    Wtf ? Any Ideas ? They wont work in photoshop, or any other viewer either.


    And im pretty sure thats the format they need to be :/




    Thanks in advance,


    - XeqtR

  6. Haha cheers LL powah, get it quick its great ;)


    I will add you, i'm online very often but the TDU servers do mess around a bit :/


    EDIT: Friend request sent


    Thansk mate, but how do I see my requests ? As in where ? I can add you if you want, whats your ID ?


    Also I have about 4 friends on TDU2 that I have added, and on that Social Achievment that states:


    - "Have 5 friends in TDU2" it still says 0/5 :/ Yet on the score next to it, it has 80/100 which is 4/5 pretty much.


    Really weird eh ?

  7. Ok I need someone that I can cruise with lets say regularly, visit houses, do races together all that. Getting a bit boring on my own going through the singleplayer stuff at the moment, and most people online either dont speak english or are already in groups.


    I have a few people that come and play with me but not that frequent as they don't stay on TDU as much as I do. (about 5-6 hours a day when im free ? should I feel bad for myself ? haha)


    So any regular players that want to have fun, do photoshoots, possibly a movie soon once I get my i7 rig please post (:




    - XeqtR

  8. Everytime I try to minimise TDU2, it would let me do it about 2-3 times and the 3rd or the 4th time I do it, it would crash (program has stopped working) and some error report thing would come up. Which I did fill and send Atari the full description of what happens.


    Anybody else getting this ?

  9. I've done the Gumpert and R8 V8 mission too. Maybe there are more than 100 missions but you can only do 100 of them. I dunno, but I do keep seeing the same final few pop up in the same places.


    Wait can you get the Gumpert Apollo by doing it all even in Online ? thought it was club exclusive like the FXX ?

  10. With a save editor you can, you can change how much money, what level you are, what cars you have etc... I forgot the name of the program though.


    It deffo works for offline. Online will just tell you you have incorrect files and make you reinstall the game.


    Check youtube.

  11. You do have a point there and maybe you are benefiting from it, but all I am getting is 5 at most more fps in cities and connections are erm... well pretty much the same as before. No notice of any changes for me :/ I still get dropped for no reason out of a cruise or something.

  12. I have no idea, but I just wanted to tell you that your signature is immense.


    Is this aimed at me? If so thank you (:



    And as for FPS, I have increased FPS in the cities for some reason :/ Game seems to run a bit smoother, and connections still get all weird after a while.


    And to all those who couldn't/can't connect to TDU Servers, it is because you need a wait a bit. I couldn't get on for an hour after the "patch".


    No idea why or what the reason of the patch was in the first place. Tons of more things needed improving than what I currently see has been done :/


    Ah atari...

  13. I can't extract this mod because I have to enter a password


    Read the first post in the first page. It states it in the spoiler (:


    On topic,


    Very good mod Dragozool,


    Can I have permission to upload it on mediafire and filefront too ? Its faster download speeds there for Europe and the UK.



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