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Posts posted by emsijs

  1. From what i've heard, there is a illegal beta version flying around on the internet. Friend of me told me about it. He is playing the beta, but he's not in the program.

    At least someone's on the ground.

    I have never read any Atari rules, and basically I don't understand the whole point of the situation in this forum, coz, you know, here we are first of all because of the modded stuff, which isn't kinda the most legal thing to do with games.. And now I see that people are remaining silent just because of some rules, in the same time, modding game files, patching etc.. So what the hell? That put, I MUST remain silent even when I'm sitting with my friends at the bar table. OK...

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to and i wont do/write stuff just because it's illegal (as I know it now) I'm just little confused with what's legal in others opinion.

    P.S. Stop lol'ing all the time, I have like half an hour every day now to spend a free time on PC, and that said, I have no motivation at all reading some godd damn terms&conditions. (Yes, as i mentioned above I didn't know about all this "must remain silent" thingie.)

  2. Why I'm not able to install many mods with the installer program? The Zonda and 599 is not working but Mazda 6 did install though. Log says:


    ** 2010.03.09. 15:28:27 ERROR

    *** Exception > Unable to create edit task on BNK file: C:\games\Test Drive Unlimited Gold\Euro\Bnk\Database\DB_FR.BNK

    at TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.UpdateResourceI._Process()

    at TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.PatchInstruction.Run(Log currentLogger)

    -- parent exception --

    *** ArgumentOutOfRangeException > Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

    Parameter name: index

    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)

    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)

    at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.get_Item(Int32 index)

    at TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.UpdateResourceI._Process()


    ** 2010.03.09. 15:28:27 ERROR Error when running core patch instructions.:System.Exception: Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.

    Please contact Modding Tools support. ---> System.Exception: Patch was not applied as an error occured.

    Please refer to the log files for more information.

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()

    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log patchLog, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall)

    ** 2010.03.09. 15:28:27 ERROR

    *** Exception > Current patch can't be installed:

    Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.

    Please contact Modding Tools support.

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log patchLog, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall)

    at TDUModAndPlay.gui.MainForm._Process(Boolean isInstall)

    -- parent exception --

    *** Exception > Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.

    Please contact Modding Tools support.

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log patchLog, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall)

    -- parent exception --

    *** Exception > Patch was not applied as an error occured.

    Please refer to the log files for more information.

    at TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()

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