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Posts posted by michaeljsalter

  1. M&M Elite

    [email protected]

    President: michaeljsalter

    Vice president: milad00


    M&M Elite is an exclusive TDU club.


    About M&M Elite

    M&M Elite is an exclusive club. We organize cruises and other events within the club, this might include a day at the race track, drag races, or just relaxing with the club members. The Club has a location in which most of the events are organized and held at. This location is known only by the club members as Point Blank.


    Joining M&M Elite

    When joining M&M Elite you have several options. You may list your name below as a thread replay (with your email address, or you can send it to me via PM for privacy), you may email the club directly, or you can meet up with the president or vice president in the game. We will then set up an appointment and cruise with us. You will then be put before the club members, and voted in. Once you have been accepted, you will recieve an email and an invite to the club in the game. (you will need to be added as a friend by the president and/or the vice president)


    (All Club meetings will begin at a pre-designated meeting point, ten we will go to Point Blank or begin an event at the meeting point)



    M&M Elite will organize cruises for it's members. We will organized these at the club meetings, and then an email will be sent out to all members via email and/or PM on TDUC.


    • you are respectful to others

    • you do not crash into each other constantly

    • you are not constantly passing others cars

    • if a cruise is organized in a certain class, please drive the appropriate class.

    • Most Importantly: NO CHEATING

    Drag Races

    When drag racing, be sure to you are in the appropiate class. an both vehicles have a fair chance of winning


    • Drag Racing is about sportsmanship in M&M Elite

    • Most Importantly: NO CHEATING

    Track Days

    When the club goes to the track, we may organize a day ro just practice, drift, race, or a mixture of all three. We may also hold competitions within the club to see who is the better racer or drifter.


    • Track days in M&M Elite are about Sportsmanship

    • Respect others on the track

    • Most Importantly: NO CHEATING

    Overall Rules and Regulations

    • Club members should respect each other

    • The location of "Point Blank" is to be kept quiet. It a club member is caught giving out this location during or outside of club events/meetings they will automatically be removed and not allowed to rejoin.

    • If a club member is inactive for 4 months they will be removed from the club.

    We at M&M Elite like to have fun, and invite you to join. Space is limited. Once space is full, joining the club will not be allowed, unless a club member is removed or leaves.

  2. I had a similar problem. I'm running on Windows XP. I upraded my RAM to 3 Gbs of PC6400. I had two NVidia 6600s, now I have a 1Gb NVidia 9400GT. I'm also running a Athlon 2.4 3800+ proccessor. For your RAM, you might can up your paging file. That may help, but I've found that upgrading alot of RAM helps some. Also on your Video card, make sure your hardware acceleration option is on. You might also look to see if you need to upgrade your disk drive or get new drivers. Thats all I can think of right now. hope I helped.

  3. I'm new to the online world of TDU, but not to TDU itself. I've been playing the game for about 3 years offline. Just recently DSL became available where we live. So far I love the online world of TDU.:thumbsup:

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