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TDUCk Radio

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  1. The TDUCk selection will play at 8am and 8pm daily, playing some of the most popular tracks at the moment, our normal playlist will play at all other times, keep the requests coming in, we'll add them as soon as possible, thanks :)
  2. It's on the playlist!
  3. We're back! On a very limited playlist right now, you can find us here! Expanding to a bigger playlist over the next few days!
  4. Thank you :D
  5. Any requests? ---------------------------------- Tune in this afternoon, for DJ Kieran's Show... 17:00 - 19:00 Requests during these times must be made using the radio suggestion link. Coming Up: Got a Skype phone, or have access to SMS? Enter one of our many competitions! Only with TDUC Radio! ----------------------------------
  6. Added all your suggestions... Please note, when I'm not online it's faster to add a track by suggesting it by the link in the radio player. :D
  7. Sorry, no more requests tonight. All requests will be added to a playlist. Tune in tomorrow at 18:00 for DJ Danielsons Mashup. Requests can be made all day, when you see me online, or on the MH website.
  8. Electric Six, next.
  9. Love Games, next
  10. Yellow, on next.
  11. Black Lace, next.
  12. Living on a prayer, next.
  13. Blue on next..
  14. Florence and the Machine, up next.
  15. Scatman on next
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