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Posts posted by lt_yao

  1. I'd say it's not worth any money. Physics are nowhere good as the last game, storyline absolutely painful to go through, voice acting just tears my heart apart. Cars are nothing but a "side quest" so to say, facebook with cars as an addition, with very little attention to how the cars should drive. As if the developers took their understanding of what it is to be driving a car from just playing with toy cars when they were little.


    Other than that, get it, then either hate it or love it. There is no middle ground here.

  2. Thanks I bought it two days ago. Super satisfied with my purchase. Its a 50" Panasonic Viera TC-P50G20.



    If you can't tell a difference from these settings and the game default's, then I highly doubt your in any position to critique physics. Obviously game control settings aren't going to recode the physics engine, but it makes it 10 times better.



    Sorry to hear that, what kind of wheel do you have? I was on the fence between a new TVor a fanatec wheel. Glad I went with the TV now.


    You've misread my post. Settings are not physics, while physics are abysmal, the settings can be changed to be somewhat less of the fecal matter, while still being quite bad.


    I can critique physics because regardless of the settings of the SENSITIVITY OF HANDLING, the physics remain the same.

  3. TDU Official Forums = Holy Inquisition + Soviet Union + Comunist China + Cuba + Cambodja's Khmer Rouge + Ho Chi Mihn's Vietnam + North Korea + etc...


    Stay out of those forums, they don't want anyone to get to the ultimate point where you just have to admit that five years later TDU2 is worst than TDU1.:twisted:


    It's not like anyone cares there, they live in their own happy place afraid of anyone barging in and giving them a shot of reality.


    Nor do the devs listen, during the beta they didn't listen to us at all, thus the physics were left ignored.

  4. Yeah, 1 suggestion:


    1. Physics. There hardly are any. I've just received my copy, playing with a gamepad is abysmal. Playing with a wheel is suicidal. I'm glad I didn't pay for the game at all, working for a retail store sometimes is great.


    Honestly, everything feels "cubic" if so to say. Cars have options like: Throttle - on/off, breaks - on/off, turn left/right - on/off. In other words feels like a job well dumb. I'd hope the EDEN fixes all of that and makes it a driving game as opposed to a shopping cart madness -5. Arcade right up it's dark place, and not in the good way.

    But then again I am a pessimist and a misanthrope.


    Coming back to TDU feels like a godlike experience.


    Also when entering a tunnel the game sometimes stops working, no view changes until the car supposedly exits the tunnel, like it has claustrophobia and hides its head in a bucket until the close spaces end.

  5. I think someone else messed up on that site too. :hmmm:




    I'd feel sorry for the (unlucky person, damn bleeps) who'd actually fall for the Double discount offer.


    I'm guessing PC version is not around due to piracy, because it would get leaked pretty fast like with most games. Or maybe it simply did not arrive yet.


    I canceled my pre-order anyways. At least I won't be getting it before my Fanatec GT2 arrives so it would be somewhat bearable.


    [mod edit:] Please do not quote images, thanks!

  6. I take it then you participated in the [NDA]? And your basing your whole decision on buying the game on that? If you have played both the [NDA] and the final version, then i can listen to your comments, but the facts i see from people who HAVE played the final version show massive differences between the 2 copies, it's a bit stupid just to base it on experience of the [NDA]


    The differences are only in the amount of things you can do, buy more cars for example and visit more shops in general, driving hasn't changed at all. It's more aimed at arcade type of gaming, of course TDU 1 was aimed at arcade'ish style as well, but it worked better, this just is super arcade, like Burnout or something along those lines. Everything in the game works fine, apart from driving, which is just numb, no feel, nothing, where as TDU 1 had some sort of a feel of the cars, their weight, inertia, weight shift etc. All is lacking in TDU 2.


    And yes, another negative one, because I don't think there is a rule that I have to be happy with a game and talk sunshine and butterflies about it. No, I hit my children because I love them (Note, I don't have children, it's just a saying), criticism isn't bad, unless you're one of those fanboys, around which you can't talk anything bad or they'll bite your face off in a second, you have to tickle their ballsacks and keep telling them how handsome and great they are. (This wasn't aimed at Lordstig)


    And now that I'm watching these videos, he might be playing a newer build, but I can see that driving hasn't changed.


    I'll believe in the power of Jesus Christ only when the game comes out with better driving physics, then I'll admit I was wrong about what I was saying here.

  7. So Mr Nadal, any more rubbish to spout.....


    I'm not sure how that would be considered rubbish, but the game really doesn't play well, since some here seem to be all excited about the game and with high hopes, I just did warned them.


    If you thought that TDU's physics were not too good, you'll be just angry with these physics, or at least the car enthusiasts that tried this game have all agreed on the fact that driving is rubbish. TDU 1 felt better, more lively and interesting, while this feels as if the driving aspect of the game is in the last place an would be rarely used, as if the sims part of the game would be more important.


    Of course, it's your choice, you can boo me off the stage now shouting: "Your opinion sucks and is incorrect!".


    I already canceled my pre-order.


    [mod edit:] Please do not swear or use asterisk's to mimic swearing, thanks.

  8. Well im 100% sure that its not going to be worse than TDU1. I cant wait to try out my g25 in tdu2, it seems like this fanatec works alright and so will g25...i hope


    Oh believe me, it is. But you should experience it first hand. Some might like it, who like simpleton'ish racing games which are arcade up its ass. But for the driving enthusiast, it's a nightmare of a game, even TDU 1 feels tenfold better.

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