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Everything posted by TX3RN0BILL

  1. Hi Guys! I remember having researched about 70's muscle cars and remember about one of them that a factory opened already in this new millenium that was manufacturing a certain 70's car - EXACTLY like it was built in the original state, engine and all... and I can't for my life remember which one it was now... does anybody know? I'm talking about serial factory-production, not some kit to be put together or rebuilding job... Damned, why didn't I write it down??
  2. Thanx guys - reinstalled it and it works like a charm!!! :thumbsup:
  3. Hi! Some time ago I've installed patch 1.68a and some other mod files (including the replacement of 1 of the cars) but I now find that the frame rate isn't as smooth as it was before so I was considering reinstalling the original vanilla game (patched to 1.66b). My question is if I can use my profile files and copy them over to the reinstalled game and expect it to be working like nothing happened, or if I have to start over? Thanks in advance for your help and time!
  4. Haven't unlocked the GR1 yet but I don't complain much about the Cobra Concept - of course I don't use it for racing but the convertible is a nice car for cruising!
  5. Well, you were right Andreaz1 - apparently I had not marked the proper selection for showing the system and OS files in that proper folder - found it this time and removed it - and now it's back to working like a charm!!! Thanks all for your kind help and attention!!! :thumbsup: :excited: :thumbsup:
  6. Thanks for the quick reply, folks! I'll check it out tonight and if it bugs me enough, I'll reinstall it... Andreaz1, my OS is WinXP Pro SP3, and the search function didn't accuse any radial.cdb, even with system and hidden files visible. When I went to the directory you mentioned all I saw was the two CD-key files (from TDU and addonpack) and some other file starting with "B"... I'll see if I'll post some screenies of it when I get home from work...
  7. I've read that that can sometimes be messy due to registry residues... Also, since my profile is stored locally, won't I lose what I had? Or is profile progress data normally not the cause of crashing so as to be safe to be backed up and reused in a fresh installation?
  8. Well, sorry for the bump, but I finally came back yesterday and went looking for the radial.cdb file, with hidden and system files visible, and it was nowhere to be found... at least using the windows search function - is that normal? Then again, it crashed only a couple of times and I've managed to stay ingame and online without much fuss... was just wondering if there was anything else I could do to mitigate even more the tendency to crash of the game... much thanks in advance for any help!!!
  9. Well, the file didn't even exist before the problems started, and deleting it DID help me out momentarily - I'll see if that radial.cdb is the problem, hopefully it is... Won't be checking today since I'm going away for the weekend... Thanks for the quick reply though, Andreaz1 :btup
  10. Hi! I'm starting to have freezing issues with my game... (and before anybody asks, YES my copy is legal - downloaded it from Atari - I can give you the purchase order if you need confirmation) Don't know why but it suddenly started to get very annoying... there was a time when the game just wouldn't let me play for long, so I went to see what there would be as a problem... then I noticed a "testdriveunlimited(somethingorother)166A.dmp" file which was created in the "My Documents" - "Test Drive Unlimited" - "savegame" folder... I deleted it (it was around 11megabytes large) and the game was working fine for some time, but then at the second part of a cruise I was partaking in it crashed again... I'm wondering why this is happening now when before I've spent hours and hours on the road with no problem at all... I've read somewhere that cleaning the game's "cache file" would help, but I don't remember where I've read it or where it was again... anybody know anything that could help plz?? If it helps, here are my system's stats: WinXP Pro SP3 Intel Core2Duo 8400 (@ stock 3Ghz) 2Gb Ram Gigabyte GTS 250 1Gb (running at 1920 x 1200, everything at max except FSAAx2 and no HDR)...
  11. Kewl pix Capt Slow! A pity I crashed... it only happened once or twice in the beginning but now it's really starting to bug me... hopefully I find a quick fix for it... As for Ramrrod... Sorry you couldn't make it to the second part but we did try to wait for you...
  12. Well, at the diner already - not enough quorum for the contest but I'm good for the cruise if y'all wanna get down...
  13. Hi guys! I got into this game a couple of weeks ago and I'm completely lovin' it! Also managed to drag a friend to get it too... only I went the whole 9 yards and got the megapack as well, but he so far hasn't. Every time we are online and I'm in a car from the megapack he tells me he sees some random car with "test drive unlimited" or something written on it - and it's always the same car wether I drive one or another from the megapack. So here's me wondering if it's a bug or just because he doesn't have the megapack he can't even see the car I'm driving - cause that's a bit stupid IMHO. Wouldn't it make more sense that other ppl could see the other player cars from the megapack but not be able to drive them or buy them so that people would feel compelled to buy the megapack, instead of just seeing a random car which can perform in extremely varied ways? Or is there just some sort of fail on the part of the network that should enable him to see the megapack cars as well?
  14. I admit it's a bit odd time for europeans but maybe the americans would want to tag along... I'm also setting a minimum quorum of 5 participants for the contest to happen...
  15. Hi every baddy! In my second attempt at organizing a cruise, whose main point is to enjoy the time and the scenery and the ability to actually drive together, I thought about clogging up the road with the slowest cars imaginable - with the added effect that no two cars should look the same in terms of color! Best paint shop will win 1.000.000$ prize! When? Not yet confirmed but I'm aiming for half past midnight (00:30h) of Friday (17/09/10) - meaning the night between Thursday (16/09/10) and Friday (17/09/10) at GMT+1 time (or BST, for those that live in the UK). Driving what? The car for this cruise is the Chevrolet SSR (Class F car, costs 40.000$), stock (no performance-mods and no mod-induced paint jobs), no upgrades (meaning no tunings, must be Stage 0), the fun is to have all of them in different colors - use the deluxe paint shop if necessary! Mine will be in the stock baseline gray with blue hood and rear cover! Did I read 1.000.000$ prize? The best paint job, voted by all participants by max nr of points - all voters will have to vote between 1 and 5, will earn a prize - I'll buy a stock Saturn Sky for 1.023.000$ from that person (so that the person will earn 1.000.000$). Where? The start is the Diner of Punalu'u (spelling?) at map coords D-9. We'll drive along the coast around the island in NW direction. First break will be at the diner after Waimea Bay (map coords C-5). Next stop will be at the grand market on the seaside of the road (map coords G/H-2/3). The cruise will finish at the lighthouse in the SW tip of the island (map coords I-4). Rules? Keeping it simple there's only 3 rules: 1) all stick together at all times (no one gets left behind!!!), 2) all follow the leader (me), 3) no purpousely bumping of other players, and try not to make too much of a mess of the NPC traffic - remember, this is supposed to be a coastal crawler pleasure cruise! How to participate? Sign up and post screenies of the color selection square in the deluxe paint shop with the respective cross for each of the colors - not the cars themselves, leave that for the "ooooh!!! aaaah!!!"-effect for when we hit the road!!! Post the respective names of the colors in the post as well so I can add you up to the roster, please. P.S.: Since I'm the prize-awarder I'll just drive a stock-colored car, as I said before, it'll be the gray-with-blue-hood-and-toppings color scheme - so nobody votes on me. Also, needless to say, all participants will be required to be "locked" during the cruise. Cruise Roster: TX3RN0BILL - gray-with-blue-hood-and-toppings stock shop color. katana-mei - ??? Capt-Slow - ???
  16. Hiya Every baddy! I just got TDU two weeks ago simply because I felt the need for cruise (ok now this sounded wrong lmao) and there's no other contact with driving nature as in TDU and I couldn't wait for TDU2 so here I am - on the PC with a "non-fancy" wheel. I favor muscle cars over exotics since there's nothing quite like the sound of those guzzlin' muzzles but I enjoy a good cruise relaxed enough to enjoy the scenery - whilst still having enough power and attitude to wipe the "normals" out of the way (I'76 funkeh powah ftw!). So see you out there on the road!
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