Well let me start with this, i didn't modified anything to my computer since last time i played, no drivers, software change, i didn't install any new mods. I just wanted to resume my TDU gaming and i found a horrible problem. After 1-4 minutes of playing or just siting there in the game the frame rates goes to 4 fps/s and it doesn't changes. It remains the same even when i go in menu and it moves slow even if i ALT+tab it. Its unplayable i dont know what the hell is the problem. I tried anting, reinstalled drivers about 10 of them from 93 to 257, no change, i reinstalled TDU , without mods, i made a new profile, i put to defaults all settings in bios, tried ALT+tabbing, no difference, its the same problem. Now i dont know what to do, i have other games, COD, World in conflict, Unreal Tournament, World Racing 2 , all are running very fine.
So if anyone knows whats happening here, i was about 33% of the game (im playing a lot just for cruising beside racing) and now this. Whats wrong with it?..i have 1.45 version no patch. My ram usage during the game is max 400 mb seems a little low to me.