Ok I've launch the game by the original directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\TDU2\...) and the 2 veyrons appear !
Thus I unpack again my original directory files without installing the path, test it and the veyron's appear but just 2 (16.4 and Grand Sport) of the 5 version (16.4, Grand Sport, Centenaire, sang bleu and Super Sport) while all Veyron's are in my directory file.
I apply the patch on this new directory file and all Veyrons disappear...
It's visibly not a car replacement problem (I've delete all spyckers files and the dealer as no more car...).
Any one as an idea ?
I just really want the Super Sport model... is there any way to introduce the files of it on the packed game ?
If yes I just have to buy it on the packed game and relaunch my game on the unpacked game if it's just a dealer problem :)
Thanks for your help :)