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dj faceplant

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Posts posted by dj faceplant

  1. Right, here's some interesting news for you all!


    On this coming weeks show, you can win a copy of the film Brighton Wok (http://www.brighton-wok.com - see the trailer!). It's a home-grown Kung Fu comedy from the sunny shores of the south coast!


    "What do you have to do to win this awesome prize?" I hear you scream..


    Simple, tune into the show this week and answer a simple ninja related question and the prize could be yours!!


    You can get your answers into the show in one of two ways:


    MSN: [email protected]

    TXT: 07748 596312


    So, make sure you're locked in and listening for your chance to win!


    Hopefully catch you all this wednesday for two more hours of fine driving tunes!



    Big Love



  2. Thanks guys, i'm glad everyone enjoyed it. It was a belter and no mistake!


    However, important news, there is no show next week.. Why I hear you cry? The answer is simple..





    And i'll be playing it to within and inch of its life. Anyone else on Xbox live is welcome to come and have a go.


    But don't worry people, week after next will be business as usual. So thanks for the support I get from everyone on TDU Central, and again, I hoped you enjoyed the 2 hours of crazy driving music.


    Until next time..






  3. Hey Carboy, if you can get someone to record the show for you, i'll be sure to give you a big shoutout!



    Booyah, and to all else, thanks for the support so far guys.. These TDU shows i'm going to start saying in "TeaseFM in conjunction with TDU Central brings you the Test Drive Show" and all that jazz.. If only I had Prizes to give out in a competition. Still, maybe next month..


    Right guys, only 2 hours to go to the show! I'd better get prepared eh? See you all then..






  4. Hey guys,



    Good job! I liked it. Loved the opening review of course. Could you have picked a better car to have first? Not likely.. CLK DTM AMG all the way. Nice layout, could do with standardised your layout a little more (Loved the TVR review layout). Leave e little more space between your words and pictures, and maybe put it on a white background or a lighter on.


    These are just design issues (being and artist and designer, I can't help myself) but the content is good. Really nice to see this being developed.


    Keep up the good work guys, looking forward to the next issue. If there's any way in which I can contribute, let me know..






  5. Hey guys!


    Thanks for all the support in getting the word out there, it's hugely appreciated. And in advance, thanks for all the guys who'll be tuning in.


    For all those that want to get in touch with me at the studio but don't have MSN, there is a number you can text in on:


    (+44)(0)7748 596312


    Failing that, stick your head out the window and shout as loud as possible. It might work, you never know.. :S


    Right folks, wish me luck and i'll catch you all tomorrow evening!



    Peace n love people



  6. Hey people!


    Thanks so much for all the support and tuning in all the time. You're the people who are making the show what it is. And Mike, no worries dude, it's good to have you listening


    Again, we had a lot of people tuning in so it was even more fun to play than usual. Just to let you all know, the next TDU show is going to be on the 15th of August, so make sure you tell all your friends and cruising buddies. But if you like the show anyway, I play tunes every week on Tease FM. Usually Drum n Bass, but with some house and chill thrown in for good measure.


    Next week is probably going to be one of those as I could do with a mellow show myself for a change..


    So once again, thanks everyone for tuning in, and I look forward to playing for you all i the future..



    Peace n love



  7. hey dj and welcome,

    now that i think about it i think i passed you on the road once down near the line or something


    Ah, oh well, anyway, you can call me Jane. ^^ For now, I belong to the Sunday Drivers, I own that club, it's got about 40 members. :)



    Hey Spazshane, thanks for the welcome.. Come hook up for a nice slow cruise sometime. If you've got a Merc DTM, then that's even better (as i'm welded to mine)


    Hey Jane, i'm glad we got all that cleared up.. :D Shame I didn't get the info on your club before the show on Wednesday. Still, when I do the next TDU show, i'll be sure to give you a big mention.. :D




  8. Hey dude, thanks for the welcome, and i'm glad that you enjoyed the show. Was great fun to do (as always) and i'm looking forward to doing more TDU themed shows in the future. Maybe in conjunction with TDU central, something like Tease FM & TDU Central Presents...


    And yes, the more announcements of patches, cruises and car auctions and all that jazz I can get together, the better the show can be..


    And to everyone else who listened in, thanks a lot for tuning in and supporting. Was a real boost.


    I'll catch you soon S71NG3R and all at TDU central








    p.s. Abstandhalterin, yeah, dude, everyone is dude, doesn't mean you're a dude, just that you're dude...

  9. Hey dude, nice to see someone has woken up on this forum.. haha..


    Seriously though, if you want to get in touch, my MSN is [email protected] ..


    i'm going through all my tunes at the moment trying to decide what to play and what not to play..


    Any input is welcome.. :D


    Seriously though, if there has been any big cruises in the past that need a mention and any that are planned for the coming month, I need everyone to let me know, and I can get them on the show.. Might even stop the music for 5 minutes and go through the list of events..


    Don't waste this opportunity people! w00t.. I am your voice for the world.. :D

  10. Hey People!



    Let me just take this opportunity to say Hi! People from the 360 and the Atari forums may recognise the name. I've been cruising on this game ever since it was released and i'm on it a good few hours a week, usually in my Mercedes Benz CLK DTM AMG.. God that's a nice car...


    I spin tunes also, hence the name. I've been DJing for about 8 years now and love to let people hear "what I got".. So, here's why i'm opening my mouth on here at last, and it's got a lot to do with the Forum Mods in Atari.


    Anyway, here's the scam...


    Tomorrow (Wednesday 13th June) at 6pm for 2 hours, i'm playing a very special show on Teasefm.com dedicated to all the girls and boys who play TDU and love to cruise..


    So, I need some help if this is going to happen. Now, I know a lot of people are part of some very successful car clubs, so i'd like to hear which ones, who's a part of them, who runs them, things like that. Any big cruises you guys have got planned, and what platform, what times, locations.. Any big cruises that were a great success, and just shout outs to all your buddies and cruising partners. Any other suggestions of what you'd like to hear on the show, would be greatly appreciated..


    Please get to me as much info to me as possible by replying on this thread and i'll be sure to give you all mentions on the show.


    So people, how good this show is and how convincing I can make it will depend a lot on how much input you people give me. Remember, the reason this game is so good is that the community makes it so good. There is no way i'd have spent the time cruising around the island if it weren't for all the people I hook up with along the way..



    So i'm asking for a big favour, and for your support. If this show goes well, i'll arrange for this to become a regular spot on the radio station. Just think, once a month you get a TDU Community Show where any news comes from you guys without the big controlling hand of Atari getting involved at all..


    Think on it people.. Now, here's the info you need to listen in..



    Station location: http://www.teasefm.com


    Date and Time: Wednesday 13th June 6-8pm GMT / 1pm-3pm EST / 10am-12pm PST


    Contact: During the show add [email protected] to your MSN or text the studio on +44 (0) 7748 596312

    So that's my story.. I really hope that you guys will tune in and help make this happen and i'll do my best on the tunes front to provide you with 2 hours of great pumping, driving tunes to cruise to. You may even want to record it to put on your XBox/PC to drive to..


    Thanks for letting me say my piece and hope that you people can help make this great fun!



    Peace and love all


    DJ faceplant




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