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Posts posted by YeOldeTDUMan

  1. saw this on ign this morning


    as I'm on my 3rd 360 (only purchased 1 tho) and this one is a noisy one I might 'upgrade' to one of these if I have the cash ... looks very nice and a lot more stylish how the whole thing is packaged (internal HDD etc)


    so £200 .... hmmm ... Game here I come

  2. signed up for the Beta this morning ... fingers crossed ... shame it didn't have a bit to describe yourself etc ... but I guess they'll find out themselves that I have full gamerscore for TDU ... and I bought all the DLC ! ... they just wont realise how I liked the bug bits ... or hosted silly events

  3. Well where shall we start ...


    "Good Evening"


    There that's a good start ... as long as you're reading this in an evening in whatever time zone you're currently located in.


    So shall I begin ?


    Stories tell us of a gamer that went by many names ... some called him Hybrid, some called him Hi brid, and others called him the Olde Man of TDU-C. For in distant times he played many a game, from Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner grew the interest, this changed to the likes of Falcon until the age of consoles truely arrived and he joined the house of SONY ... for the gamer liked his arcade consoles and so was pleased that Tekken and Ridge Racer were his new trials ... and so time passed ... and the console changed generation ... and the games did changeth too ... for the graphics became plentiful and much Gran Turismo was played in all it's generations ... but low it came to pass that the PS2 did die


    A new chapter began ... a new version of a classic was to be released unto this Earth ... Test Drive Unlimited was to be created ... and so the gamer bought a 360


    And low and behold the gamer was pleased ... he played TDU until he had 100% completion ... he won the TDU-C road race ... he had all the cars and bikes (including tuners and exclusives) ... he enjoyed the lands where physics was broken ... and he did host the most amazing of events via TDU-C


    But as with all things the gamer found an uphappy place ... and a new quest called ... and so he left TDU-C




    But he has returneth !




    Ok now the silly stuff is over ...


    Hi Everyone ... I'm back ... OK some of you many not know who I am if you've joined TDU-C in the past year so here goes ...


    Well originally my Gamertag was 'Hybrid IV' ... now I'm 'CSR Seasider'


    So a little about me for the uninitiated


    Why 'YeOldeMan' ?


    Well I'm for a lot of you on here I'm most probably old enough to be your Dad! If you want to work out how old I am I got a ZX Spectrum 48k (with rubber keys) for my 11th Birthday (and passing my 11 Plus) and that was about the time there was a shortage of the machines due to demand!


    So a little more ...


    Well I'm from the fair county of Essex in England ... trust me you'll realise this is you ever speak to me online


    I'm an engineer by trade and have for all my career worked in the car industry to some extent ... hence my original gamertag as I do a lot of crash test simulation. So please be warned I know a lot about cars ... oh and my pet hate is about people going on about how cool the picture of a car a couple of years off production looks in a car mag or website ... when it's obvious that it's just some journo who's played about with photochop to make an article


    As to other stuff ...


    I'm a car nut ... I've owned ...


    Mini (proper one and not a BMW Maxi) ... which I ended up modifying 'a bit'

    MkI MR-2

    Bravo HGT

    Celica (last gen)

    and my current car is an Alfa Romeo Spider


    Oh and another thing ... my car knowledge is joined by my film knowledge ... I'm a major film geek and if I didn't work as an engineer I'd have to do something in cinema


    So my tdu history ... as I said ... I completed it all ... butmore importantly for TDU-C I used to host cruise events and also silly events ... the one I liked was a 'hunt me' event where you had to find me ... ram me off the road and then I'd buy the car you were driving for silly money ... those things will return with TDU2 (as long as it's still possible)


    These days I play a lot of Forza 3 ... the reason why my gamertag changed ... and I also love the likes of GTA and Fallout ... so I'm looking forward to Red Dead Redemption and Fallout:New Vegas in the near and distant future


    So why am I back ... I got bored ... and TDU2 is out in the not too distant future


    Oh I won't be on here as much as I used to ... most probs only evenings and weekends, I need to cut down on my surfing at work!


    Well that's about it ...


    Catch you online sometime


    YeOldeTDUMan (CSR Seasider ... the gamer formerly known as Hybrid IV)

  4. Well this is it ...


    Just over 2 years ago now I found myself on TDU-C as I found a lot of the posts and threads on the Official Atari TDU forum becoming a series of rants, childish slagging off and pointless threads. 2 years ago this was a great forum, actually it was a great community, which was based around a core crowd of great gamers who all enjoyed and played TDU on the 360. Yes there were arguements but they were all of the jovial banter type.


    And so over the years the forum has grown and changed ... as TDU got old we played other games, some good (FM2) and some bad (whoever conviced me to buy MC:LA needs a kick where it hurts) and also the forum grew to include other platforms.


    And then in recent history I'm sorry to say but I think it's all gone a bit Pete Tong !


    A lot of threads will now often include either a 'mine is better than yours' or a personal attack that has crossed the fine line between jovial banter and something that isn't funny. Other forums manage the banter without the abuse so why not here ?


    I tried to change this in a small step by asking in the Motorsports F1 section for people to discuss and praise and critise drivers/teams but not to stoop to the childish 'yay such-en-such Failed' ... but alas within 5 posts on the first race of the season my request had fallen on deaf ears.


    So for a number of reasons I'm leaving TDU-C on a permenant basis.


    To those who've made the forum a great place (you know who you are) ... it's been great and I'll still catch you online


    To those who've spolit the forum (in my opinion) ... Stop being a TWAT !


    To Diablo ... thanks for creating a great forum


    And so I bid you all a farewell




    P.S. You can post whatever you want as a reply cos I'm not going to read it as I'm not even going to Lurk ... when I said this was my final post I mean it ... no returning in the future ... no lurking ... this is THE END!

  5. 1. it's free practice so sometimes not a full representation of race pace

    2. you'll notice Williams, Toyota and Brawn at the top ... with their diffuser style

    3. Ferrari obviously are lacking pace as the cars are COMPLETELY different to last year

    4. Surely you should correct your statement and say that McLaren and Renault and BMW are also struggling ... as well as obviously your beloved Ferrari

    5. I QUIT this thread/section

  6. OK firstly may I take my hat off to Shadow for systematically destroying everything I've asked for any having a pointless rant in the second post in the new F1 section ... thank you for reading my previous requests.


    As to the content of you're post ... well being a "European" (actually I say I'm British but lets not go into that) I don't mind when races are as I'm that into F1 I'll get up to watch it live whatever the time !


    But back OT ...


    Well the boys with the legal illegal rear diffuser/crash boxes are up front ... as they're on the Williams, Brawns and Toyotas ... As to McLarens poor performance ... looks like they might need to go back to the drawing board ... and you have to blame the whole team for the cars performance not just one driver ... as the team, including 3 drivers, develops a car ... one of the best test drivers in recent history is DC !


    looks like the diffuser may be working ... which if it's declared legal after the full hearing in a couple of weeks could be a big problem for Red Bull as it won't fit on their car due to their rear suspension


    but I don't think we can make too many comments till after Quali ...


    Oh I might not comment on the race quickly ... might be busy :)


    Oh and can people please be aware that we CAN post results in these threads as soon as it's happened ... so if you're going to wait till 1pm UK time to watch the race don't read this thread/section


    Oh don't forget summer time starts on sunday !

  7. people just don't like me and i dont like the ugly scar on my face. makeup helps me feel a bit more comfortable in myself but people dont like that :(


    Well I've learnt that you can't be worried about people who don't like you as there will always be some ... but enjoy the company of those who do like you ... as for the scar ... all that matters is what you feel and no one else ... if makeup makes you feel more comfortable you shouldn't listen to people that tell you otherwise as what makes you comfortable is the most important thing

  8. Nige - you're welcome to make comments about Hamilton as long as they're constructive and not flaming for flamings sence ... so you're welcome to call him a Muppet if he's been one (for example when he stayed out too long and destroyed his tyres ... or didn't see the red light at the end of the pit lane and then had a 'slight' comming together) ... but please don't flame a driver ... any driver if all he's done is had a great weekend and driven a great race or pulled off a great move


    If you look back I will give positive and negative comments for any driver ... no matter who I ultimately want to win


    I just don't want the threads to get into the usual childish flaming 'my driver is better than yours' threads ... thats all

  9. Sorry but as the resident Auto engineer here can i just say that this is .... well you know


    As to why you wouldn't do it ... too expensive ... too complex ... too heavy ... takes up too much space in a package ...


    Next thing they'll be replacing the wheels !

  10. bad move, it will sell like hotcakes lol



    Well yes and no ... normally it would ... but in these times it won't ... as I've said in tonnes of threads the car industry has pretty much stopped development of any new cars where a new platform is involved


    oh and lambo have enough on their books with developing the replacement to the Murci


    they'll build it once the market picks up

  11. OK now I get who George Sampson is ... it's that kid off "Britain's got some Talent and a whole load of people who want to appear on tele"


    And also popping back to this thread after a couple of days of posting my pic I finally understand why Nodz always used to dissappear about 10:15 everynight when playing <Insert name of current game of the month here>


    Yours feeling VERY old



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