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Posts posted by ShadowGT

  1. no way would i pay for it. anyway give the hackers time & i can garentee the the DLC would be unlocked so even people that didnt buy it could use it lol. its theoreticly possible as alot of TDU's online "stuff" is kept client side. only log in info is sent to Atari nothing else. all online racing etc is managed between different players over P2P type networks.

  2. stadium = nothing


    us 360 1337 have been playing tag in the carpark opposite the stadium for yonks :p


    (the carpark is more of a challenge to get into, involves bikes, cars, ramps and bookmarks, but is lots of fun for tag cause of the cars in there and the uneven surface :p


    Old!!! been in the car park for ages lol.


    -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --

  3. its a mod lol there are ton's of night mods for PC TDU. some make it night non stop where others adjust the weather so it's day then the sun sets & it becomes night like the mod i use. its not perfect though the game still uses daytime textures so you kinda have to pretend that its a full moon night lol or do what i did & turn down your brightness.

  4. Im not picking on TSS or anything but this is what i was talking about before. people with high end rigs or 1337 photoshop skills will always win. IMO we need some catagories for future POTW's (ingame,photoshop,with HDR,without HDR etc)


    Anyhoo i vote for AMG'ed up cos he let me be in a few of his photo's a while back :)

  5. I have also basically given up on the game as the crashes are randomly apparent and annoying etc. Still I remain partially active here... :)


    What about Just cruisin? you still gonna play when we cruise etc?

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