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Posts posted by ShadowGT

  1. I would like to see places like , Tokyo, Germany (with the ability to drive Nurburgring), D.C (USA), England, Swiss Alps (winding roads for the Ferrari's), maybe Maranello too.


    Any place that isn't a island would be a bad place for TDU 2 unless Atari found some unrealistic way to keep us in the game area (Invisible walls,Indestructible fences, Motocross madness's "Shoot you back into level catapult ^_^ " etc) TDU 2 is gonna have to be another island somehow?

  2. Agreed Australia could be a logical choice. If they put a majority of detail into the main cities & towns & leave the outback mostly bare they could possibly fit it on a few DVD's But they had better include some aussie muscle cars & utes like the Ford falcon XR8 & HSV clubsport

  3. Ok I got some shots of the sky and I can tell you it depends on the weather and time of day. Have a look at these pics and you will see what I mean. These are all from after the patch I can't see a problem with the sky...........


    How'd you get the sky so sexy in them last three pics? even when the weather is overcast in my game it never looks that good.

  4. Hey can someone help me out with vista?


    A friend of mine just bought Vista & says he's gonna make me a copy too. He says because this is a retail of version of vista we will both be able to run it, Is he right or will i run into problems if we both run vista at the same time.


    Also how will my rig run vista(He says it's the ultimate version) I have a P4 2.9ghz, 1 gig ram & a Nvidia 7600 256mb. I asked him how ram vista takes up running at the bare minimum level (No aero etc) & he said roughly 500mb's. So is it worth it?

  5. It's fairly easy. when you pause both cars will stay in place (aslong as they stay connected to the server they won't dissapear) On the other players end they are free to do whatever they want aslong as they don't disconnect or they will dissapear from your shot.


    oh BTW if they arn't stoping when you pause then the only thing i can think of is your getting connection probs?

  6. What do you think of my Drift pics me & Quaker.au took (i'm the firebird)


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    So what do you think of my drift pics?

  7. Here's me & my friend Flaming_ham getting into places we shouldn't be in.



    Parking onramp to nowhere?

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    In the stadium

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    On the grandstands

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    Off the grandstands (hehe:D)

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    Me drifting the parking lot onramp

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