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Posts posted by gfactory

  1. YAY :D I have been playing for some time, and it's working. stop accelerate, take the turn and gently hit the brakes.. I have been winning some challanges, and earned 200.000 dollar. So time for a second car. But the chevrolet is indeed a B class car, I better buy myself an E type car I guess, that's more usefull isn't it?

  2. nice \o/


    I have been reading that the Audi TT is the best car to start with, so I bought that one. Not enough money to buy a second. Another topic says that chevrolet corvette ZO6 Stage 2 is a good second car... saving money for that one. But until now, I manly have been practicing the corners. :s so did not do a lot of races to win money yet. I will try not to slam the breaks to much.. But I guess it is better to be ready with the breaks befor I have to take a corner..

  3. Hi!

    Nebie in town. :o until a few weeks ago, I have been playing platform and simulation games on my PC. I bought myself a Xbox360, connected it on my full HD TV, and WOWWW one happy man.!

    I never really played racing games, so that's about time. So, went to the store and bought TDU. Great game, but lots of questions. I found this forum with lots of information, I started reading 15 pages of topics, and learned a lot from it. Only one questions (until now ;)) remains. I can not seem to take a (sharp) corner without ending up in the grass, it frustrates me. I have been reading that you need to be finished with the breaks before you take the corner, and don't accelerate to soon. But if I do that, 2 options happen: 1 I still go to fast, so I hit the break ending up in the grass. 2: I go to slow and people pass me.

    Are there movies, tutorials, tips or other things that can help me out a bit? Or is it just a matter of practice. And if it is, where can I practice, cause every time I practice the cops or searching for me and I need hide from them.

    Thanks for spending some time. ;)

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