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Posts posted by Nismo_dude

  1. Yall hace to wait till 18 to drive over there? Here in the USA you get your learners license at 15(which I will be getting on the 21st of this month yay!!!!) And your full lisence at 16. After that I want to apply for a class A racers license.


    As for the car lol, I would love to see a Pheaton W12. The W12s are suprissingly gutsy.

  2. I was wondering if anyone would make this:2002_Jeep_Liberty_01_dd95bc1a7d6d1eb0410c244fab6f6584.jpg

    In both on and off road versions :) It would be something different but fun.



    Here are some stats if you want:


    3.7 liter DOHC V6

    210 HP

    220 ft lbs. of tourqe

    0-60: 10.2 seconds

    Top Speed: 115.

    Weight: about 3,000 LBS.

    Front Disks rear Drums:thumbsup:

  3. Am I really the only one who still posts stories here? Oh well, Yet another one: okay, so I went down ther in my F430 Spider (which just crossed the 1,000 mile mark;)) and some dude in a regular Gallardo comes flying up and everyone, except me, circles around him and wasnt to know where and how you get it. Me being the occasional jerk was like curious strippers+my creative thinking=good time. Here is the conversation.


    Stripper 1

    Stripper 2

    Stripper 3

    Stripper 4



    I know how to get the Gallardo.


    Really, how. Tell me tell me tell me tell me!!!!


    Yea, you have to drove around the whole island 6 times and when your done with that do any seven model missions you want then when you go to your mose expensive house it will be there waiting for you. It all has to be done in one game session though, if you turn the xbox off, you can't ever get it.


    Holy crap!!! That is super easy.


    I know!!! We could be done with that in about 5 or 6 hours.


    I know dude!!! and when we get it we can all bring it down here and people will like worship us.


    We are gonna be the 'Gods' of Test Drive Unlimited!!!


    (They set off)


    Next Day Driving around and they appear and are not very happy:


    All saying the same thing at the same time.


    Otherwise. same colors as before:


    Hi, you get the Lambo?




    We drove around the island 6 times and did 7 island missions like you said and nothing happend!!!!




    Wait, you drove around the island six times?


    Yea, why?


    You were supposed to do it eight times.


    You said six yesterday.


    Umm no.......you mis-heard me, I said eight.


    Okay guys, lets try this again.




    They set off again:crackup:


    Oh, and case you think that I am making some fo these up, Im not, It just is how stupid some TDU players really are.

  4. I have yet another one, I have gotten to where I just hang out down there sometimes just to see what crazy stories people come up with. Here is one that I thought was...........a little 'off'.


    There was a guy that was just plain cocky, super cocky actully. All he had was in a Solstice and I was in a DB9 (God above what a car:drool:) and he invited me to private chat and began to tell me about a glitch.





    Dude, I found this crazy awesome glitch that no one else knows.


    Okay then, hit me with it.


    Okay, see this Solstice?


    Umm....... yea how could I not?


    Well, I glitched this car and it can take down a Saleen S7 Stage 3!!!


    Yea right, that isn't possible, even with a glitch.


    Yes it is, if you were to look in my garage it says that it is stage 26 tuned and that its top end speed is 328 and that it dose 0-60 in about ummm....... oh yea 0.6 seconds.


    0-60 in a sixth of a second, right. If it is so fast, lets see you take down this DB9(:drool:)


    Ummm..... I can't because it is kinda like a Vtech engine, it takes a while for it to kick in.


    Vtech huh. Intresting, who makes the Vtech engine?


    You idiot, everyone knows that, Chevorlet makes it, that is what they put into the new Corvette Grand Sport.




    I left after that and cracked up. I felt that I should share:thumbsup:

  5. Here is how this works, I went online and asked people what they think is the prettiest car in the game. I wrote down everycar that people named and hgow many times I heard it mentioned. I then took the top 10 and have created a poll here, at the end of NEXT WEEK i will take the top two cars and go online so that people can choose one of the two. The poll is in no paticular order. I will not vote in the pole to keep it un-biased. Post why you chose the car you did in replies. Thanks :):):):):):)

  6. High Gear is back!!! After a long time of doing much of nothing, I have recreated the website and we are kicking it off with the 2010 Car Of The Year(COTY) competition and a Prettiest Car In TDU competition. If you would like to be a cer reviewer, either reply to me here or pm me. This is for 360 and PC:thumbsup:

  7. I know it has been a while for this thread but I felt that I must share.


    I finally bought a Caddi Cien and thought "hey, this will kick butt down at the strip so why not go down there and see whats what."


    When I got there there were the usual S7s and then there was this red TT. The guy ask if anyone here had a mic and I replied yes that i have one. We went on to have the following conversation





    A Cien huh, I bet this ol' Audi could beat the crud out of your grandfather mobile.


    I hate to burst your bubble, but the TT only dose 155, this dose 248.


    Yes, the normal TT dose but this baby has a stage 3 Ford GT motor in it, it took down a Veyron shortly before you showed up.


    A veyron?


    Yeppers, 16.4.


    There is no Veyron in the game, Atari didn't put one in here and you can't customize cars to that extent.


    Your right, until I made the mods for it. Only one person has the Veyron here and its not you, your an idiot so go burn your eyes out.:oook:


    He challanged me to a race and I won:nanananana:


    He left after that to the pleasure of everyone there. Strippers have no buisness playing on this game

  8. If you have all the DLC packs, I would say the Cadillac Cien. It dose 0-60 in 2.8ish seconds and is good for 248 MPH. If you want something cheaper though, get a sport bike like the Ninja and tune it to stage 3, not much can out run a sport bike.

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