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Everything posted by TurboDuck

  1. Date: 14/02/11 22:14 PM TDU2: @Dmccoll1983 Yes, this is on our list of top priority issues to resolve. Check out this tweet for yourself
  2. Date: 14/02/11 22:15 PM TDU2: @dadragon This is a known issue related to the intermittent server instability we are encountering. Stay tuned, we're updating frequently. Check out this tweet for yourself
  3. Date: 14/02/11 21:50 PM TDU2: @NeoTrigga I think we're pretty close. Check out this tweet for yourself
  4. Date: 14/02/11 21:50 PM TDU2: @Da_Jarhead I respect your frustration. Our goal is to get a bug fix for this ASAP. Check out this tweet for yourself
  5. Date: 14/02/11 21:51 PM TDU2: @alt_de_lete PC version I assume? Are you able to log into testdriveunlimited2.com ? Check out this tweet for yourself
  6. Date: 14/02/11 21:39 PM TDU2: @Butters181 Thanks for sticking around! Can't wait to see everyone in Ibiza :) Check out this tweet for yourself
  7. Date: 14/02/11 21:40 PM TDU2: @Bartechh I apologize for your troubles. This is a known issue and, keep an eye on the status thread here: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Forums - Announcements in Forum : General Discussion Check out this tweet for yourself
  8. Date: 14/02/11 21:40 PM TDU2: @kbray Really? I'm testing now. Check out this tweet for yourself
  9. Date: 14/02/11 20:22 PM TDU2: @timur121997 Yes we're working with Sony to bring the DLC items back online. Check out this tweet for yourself
  10. Date: 14/02/11 20:22 PM TDU2: @ColinLeadley Still looking promising. First round of tests just completed successfully. Check out this tweet for yourself
  11. Date: 14/02/11 20:23 PM TDU2: @LeftyVTR No ETA at this time but we're working hard at it. Check out this tweet for yourself
  12. Date: 14/02/11 20:12 PM TDU2: @LeftyVTR Hey there, right now there's no guarantee that the patch will "fix" corrupted save files, it may only prevent future corruption. Check out this tweet for yourself
  13. Date: 14/02/11 20:21 PM TDU2: @Howhigh2 Thanks for your feedback. We just completed the first round of testing and will try releasing it shortly if everything checks out. Check out this tweet for yourself
  14. Date: 14/02/11 20:21 PM TDU2: @Meantstefan As soon as we can. As of right now I apologize that I don't have a specific ETA. Check out this tweet for yourself
  15. Date: 14/02/11 20:00 PM TDU2: @blackaneese77 Most of the issues are related to online play, so people without internet are probably OK :) Check out this tweet for yourself
  16. Date: 14/02/11 20:01 PM TDU2: @jamesskinner13 This is a known issue. We're working through the issues related to online connectivity and hope to have them fixed soon. Check out this tweet for yourself
  17. Date: 14/02/11 20:01 PM TDU2: @smithyyy8 QA just got the most recent build and is performing testing now. Check out this tweet for yourself
  18. Date: 14/02/11 17:59 PM Die Kritiker konnte Test Drive Unlimited 2 beileibe nicht überzeugen. Auf die Verkaufszahlen im Vereinigten Königreich scheint diese Tatsache aber (noch) keinen Einfluss gehabt zu haben. Check out this article
  19. Date: 14/02/11 17:11 PM Leearigold: TDU2 sells well. Mr Kirton happy. Please bare with the issues on the servers. The game is being worked on around the clock by Atari and Eden Check out this tweet for yourself
  20. Date: 14/02/11 17:12 PM Leearigold: Please bare with the online issues for TDU2. Eden is working hard with Atari to fix things... #TDU2 Check out this tweet for yourself
  21. Date: 14/02/11 17:18 PM TDU2: @OldFecker Yes, the DLC unlocks are specific to one account. Check out this tweet for yourself
  22. Date: 14/02/11 17:18 PM TDU2: @Yoyosensei Glad to hear it! Check out this tweet for yourself
  23. Date: 14/02/11 17:19 PM TDU2: @H34DCA5E_2_0 Yes, we're working on getting everyone in properly. Thanks for your patience. Check out this tweet for yourself
  24. Date: 14/02/11 14:39 PM Test Drive Unlimited 2 soll nach jüngsten Aussagen der Entwickler in Kürze von Bugs und Verbindungs-Problemen befreit sein. Eden Studios hat die meisten Schwierigkeiten erkannt und mit den nötigen Bugfix-Arbeiten begonnen. Check out this article
  25. Date: 14/02/11 11:35 AM Die aktuellen Saturn-Charts bieten ein gewohntes Bild. Während die Activision- und Blizzard-Titel ihre Plätze an der Sonne verteidigen, haben es Angreifer schwer, gegen eine solche Übermacht zu bestehen. Check out this article
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