Hey All...
Im going to stop with modding now.
I believe that TDU modding is slowly dying down. Not because of any modders just that tdu has some problems with modding even still which cannot be changed.
Another thing that i am stopping modding is that when i released my Z4 there was hardly any feedback unless it was negative allthough alot of people were praising me in the WIP stage.
There is not just enough respect for modders for tdu as there is many other games.
I will still be modding for tdu now and then but these will be kept to myself and to a select few people.
If anyone that i send models too uploads it and releases it even if they give me credit will be reported.
I will decide if i want to release my future mods. Also no Adding me on msn, xfire or even sending me pm's on tduc begging to send my mods to them.
I Will still be active on tduc but would just like to take a rest from main stream modding.