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Everything posted by tomdb

  1. Today I wanted to try to get it to work again yet its giving me the same problems. :crying: It aint even saving my profile, so there must be some strange problem with old files left on my pc form the dogey instal. Can anyone help me?
  2. yes it does but i took out the video card because i was getting alil hot. Ill just plug the video card back in and play it. The only down side is that its hooked up to a 15 inch lcd.
  3. Guys the game works. Only not on my main rig for some reason. It works though on my lan party rig. So problem solved.
  4. It still aint working. Changed fixed the cdkey yet I cant save or play online. This game is starting to piss me off. I dont think it was worth my 20 euro's.
  5. tomdb

    2 wheeled fun

    Im 17 and i live in holland. I can't legally drive a car or a bike yet so i bought the thing the comes the closest to a bike, a moped. This started out as a 1992 AF1 aprilia. But i have been costumizing it over the last year. There is no fealing that can match a two stroke motor hitting its powerband between your legs. Its a 50cc and it goes about 90kmph. It isnt finished but ill put up pics from about a month ago. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d187/tomdebree/Picture002.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d187/tomdebree/Picture001.jpg
  6. Sweet. Thanks guys, now ill be able to enjoy this awsome game.
  7. Thanks mate. Do you think it will solve the save issue also?
  8. its CDkey i think. because thats the only file left.Third install of the day :cry: I hope it works now. BTW thanks for all ur help.
  9. yes but i de installed it along time a go. It was my friends game. How do i get mine working properly?
  10. Im getting quite angry with the game now. I was playing it just now after reinstalling it. I quit the game and restarted it and it turns out the saving doesnt work. I might decided just to bring the game back to the store becuase its got so many issues.
  11. I did. Yet the version i have is already patched when i installed it. Yet the valdation key not being asked is strange.
  12. I did. But isnt the game supposed to ask for your validation key before you can play?
  13. I have just bought the game, i have installed it. Yet to my amazment i has never asked for the validation key. I have tried to play it online but it tells me there are no available servers. Can anyone help me?
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