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Everything posted by UK HOTCARS

  1. Must just be DLC you can't buy then......... W12 is a sweet ride, love driving mine!! GC
  2. Dont think you can buy/sell unlockable cars.......... I stand to be corrected though GC
  3. I agree too, defo one of the best to drive! GC
  4. I tried to add you as I want to join our club but your list is full! Must be nice being popular............... ;) GC :)
  5. No, anything you have downloaded from MS can be redownloaded at any time free of charge. Obviously to the samer Gametag etc. Cleaning your CD will have no affect what so ever on downloaded content! GC
  6. This post illustrates why you shouldn't do drugs. GC
  7. They're great pics!! Not bad quality either considering its a camera phone. Nice one GC
  8. Check us out then, www.ukhotcars.co.uk GC :thumbsup:
  9. Cheers guys! I like my Ruf too, its probably my favourite in my collection of motors! In real life I am into modified cars in a big way and the Ruf is modified in the only way possible in TDU - the deluxe paint shop!! Not sure whats happening with my transfer kit, gonna have a play around see if I can improve the quality and the stretchyness of my pics! Couple more Ruf pics: http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Rufstrip2.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Ruf16.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Ruf11.jpg GC
  10. Hi guys, I have a memory unit set up for retreiving pics off my Test Drive and converting onto the PC. My question is this - I wanted to take soem music off my PC and put it on the X Box so I thought I would use my Memory Unit but if I try and paste a track onto it I get the message along the lines of "E: Drive Not Formatted: Format Now?" but if I do format it will I lose the ability to transfer pics on it?? Cheers GC
  11. I guess a weekend would be better to take into account time zones and stuff?? I'll message peeps via XBL :thumbsup: GC
  12. I take it your Sat Fam?? Will send you message via XBL with details. also anyone else interested get me added! GC
  13. Add me when they are back up, UK HOTCARS and I'll get on with sorting it out. GC
  14. Sounds interesting, I'll add you later so you can let me know when its happening. We can get some shots too as I have all the kit to transfer the pics over then show them on here after the event. GC
  15. Thanks, whats the club name? Also, does it make a difference which clubhouse I join from?? Clubs is one aspect of TDU I can't get my head around!! Seems to make a difference which Clubhouse you create a club from as to what the price is, not that I am thinking of creating one but just wondered why!! GC
  16. Not sure if I have asked before but is Hardcore Mode mandatory? Dunno what it is but I just dislike Hardcore, I'm all for speed limits and realistic driving but would rather stay in Automatic. If you make an exception I'll join your club!! GC
  17. A very well made point. I only got into this game late, its always frustrated me a bit that this section isn't busier but those of us who are still into the game do our bit, posting the odd pics and stuff but generally I use this site more as a reference tool if I need some info than anything else. On the other side of the coin I rarely venture into the other sections on this board!! GC
  18. Well we got two or three interested so add me UK HOTCARS and we'll set it up!! GC
  19. I know what you mean, when I transfer them off the XBox they always come out "rectangular" with large black strips top and bottom so when I crop the image they do end up looking stretched. I have no idea how to fix it?? GC
  20. Well I bought a new Xbox after my old one broke and the first thing I did was get some new pics on TDU lol!! http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Audi3.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Ferrari.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Ferrariscenic2.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/House1.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/House2.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Lambo6.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Lotus1.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Rufstrip.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Saleen10.jpg GC
  21. What is it you actually want? Like just some company while you drive the miles you need? What mileage are you on now?? GC
  22. Hi Guys Just wondered if anyone was interested in taking part in a photo shoot?? I know often cruises and things end up with a couple of photos being taken but how about a specific event designed purely for photos? We do this periodically in real life through my club www.ukhotcars.co.uk (all about modified cars) and thought it would be cool to do something similair in TDU. I have all the kit for transferring the pics from XBox to the PC so could show them off in here. There wouldn't be any restrictions on the type of car you could bring, maybe it would be fun to have some cool paint jobs, as this is the only realy "mod" you can do in TDU but really there would be no restrictions. What do you think? You can add me on Xbox UK HOTCARS Cheers GC
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