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Everything posted by evozhui
```````````````` No man``````` or Don't found this 3D model?
It was able to produce on the Porsche 911GT3's MOD with "RGT12"(RUF)~~~~? It is important to the tail of the 911GT3~ ^ ^" Who can? Thank you~`! And it's likes this~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Porsche Carrera. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About Porsche Carrera 911 Photo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Video: As most of the players TDU is not a stand-alone on-line users, over the official "1.66A" and the "MagePack" (46 vehicles) after the patch does not enter the game or after the car entered the game in the exhibition hall only However, the purchase of new cars can not see the menu to buy, and so on, I will own more than two patches over the TDU's Porsche vehicles in a separate document extracted into a small patch so that all are home TDU End To be able to drive the vehicle could not enter the game will not or can not buy the case! In addition, I also modified some of the details of the car parts; headlamps will be before and after sharpening, the former reflector headlamps dimmed dealt with after the original headlights taillights changed to dark red large red taillights and more real texture to the vehicle wheel change Porsche GT3 for the real special wheels, tires Porsche Center also shield emblem, the steering wheel center of the original "RUF" read the words Porsche shield emblem, the central tail of the vehicle's original "Rspyder" read the words "Carrera" Words. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Install patches: Patch included in the "archive" and the "body, sound files" folder ~ 1. "Archive" of the "Test Drive Unlimited" to copy the folder "My Documents" can be (Note: Please back up well in advance your own archive to other sites, covering the mouth or you will replace the original Archive). 2. "Body, sound files" in the "Euro" folder to copy the directory to the game, if it tips or replacement coverage, please select the "cover" or "replacement." Archive: I filed as a result of the various settings are transferred to the maximum, if your computer configuration is not high on his game, you set display options. This archive 100% degree of completion of the archive, because no network connection, stand-alone, then complete the degree shows that only 60% of the game in the main menu screen you can see a new option, click the second new election , Can be difficult to drive into the mode In this mode, a variety of vehicles to maximize the physical state of a moving vehicle to imitate the real physical state, this model has a relatively fun to drive, but not suitable for the use of race, freedom is only suitable for driving . Download: Attention:Click here to download! → " 下载文件(IE浏览器) " or " 下载文件(非IE浏览器) "
Some cars's newRims and newLight" :cheeky: This video Link: Downloads: Attention:Click here to download! → " 下载文件(IE浏览器) " or " 下载文件(非IE浏览器) " Audi A3 车头大灯边侧转向灯由原来的橘黄色改为金属银,后灯改为真实的高亮反光效果A3实车尾灯,车轮毂改为14"碳黑轮毂,所有车辆尾部牌照改为欧洲真实牌照[iN·A6200],车内仪表盘以及电脑中控台细致锐化`部分金属件加亮. Audi A4 TT 3.2 Quattro[New] 这款新奥迪TT是我从国外TDU论坛上下载的`也一起补进去了~我只把轮毂给改动了一下`这样看起来更像真实世界里的新款TT~ Audi A6L V8 车辆尾灯由原先的大红色改为锐化后的暗红色,看起来会比较更加真实~轮毂改为五柱轮毂`我在街上就见过这样的A6L~五柱的~ Audi Rs4 车辆轮毂第二种被我改换为地下飙车版的轮毂`全车黑色烤漆配上这样的轮毂会很有地下赛车的感觉~前大灯灯芯改为黑色灯芯` Audi R8 在Noble车店中将原Noble M14改换为Audi R8车辆模型`轮毂改为碳黑色以及金属银色制动器~ Nissan 350Z Coape 尾部大灯由原大红色改为锐化后的暗红色,尾灯下方的两侧雾灯由原先的金属色改为暗黄色,车辆轮毂改为暗黑色~ Nissan 350Z mo 车头大灯改为稍暗,尾部大灯改为锐化后的暗红色,轮毂改为金属黑,尾部扰流板改为地下飙车版的超大扰流翼,去处了原车的比赛喷涂,车门两侧增加了350Z mo特有的"Z"字Logo~ 看过<东京漂移>的人~还记得那辆主题车不?hoho@应该和那辆差不多吧~ Nissan GTR32 车头大灯灯芯改为暗黑色,前大灯下方雾灯由原橘黄色改为较暗橘黄色,轮毂改为14"地下飙车版黑色轮毂,尾灯改为碳灰色~ Porsche 911GTR 尾灯改为较暗颜色,轮毂改为真实的RGT轮毂~ Porsche 911 GT3 轮毂改为19"地下飙车版碳黑色轮毂,尾部大灯改为橘黄+暗红色尾灯,尾部右侧原"RUF"改为"GT3",车内方向盘Logo由原RUF改为"Porsche盾徽及"Porsche"英文单词",方向盘两侧及底部增加了3个较暗的接点,更有皮质感~仪表盘内原"RUF"字样改为"GT3"字样~ [PS:之所以TDU使用了RUF作为保时捷的代用名是因为EA公司早在以前就将保时捷公司的代理权买断~也就是说~除了EA的极品飞车系列`其他的游戏公司要想代理保时捷车款在游戏里增加保时捷系列的车辆,就必须出高价钱向EA购买代理权,而EA也不会将"Porsche"这个单词随便让其他对<极品飞车>系列有直接竞争的游戏使用~所以Test Drive Unlimited也如此~只是拥有了保时捷的代理权,可以在游戏里有这几款保时捷车辆,但名称则是"RUF"~~```哎~~EA啊EA~~ 得~~~!^%~~] Porsche 911 Turbo 轮毂改为19"专业赛车轮毂~中间为碳黑色密柱,轮毂边缘为金属银边,尾灯改为橘黄+暗红色,尾部中间原"Rturbo"字样改为"Turbo GT3"字样~车内方向盘同样改为原保时捷标志的盾徽~ Lamborghini Coape 轮毂改为19"赛车专用的碳黑色色轮毂,尾灯经过锐化处理,发光感比较真实~ 布加迪威龙 我在国外论坛上找到的这辆世界超级跑车也被一起补进去了~不过车辆模型不够细致~随便看看到还可以~ 新款Nissan GTR 也是在国外论坛里找到的`也补进去了~ Ferrari F430 轮毂改为金属碳黑色~相当有质感~仔细看看轮毂中间的五颗螺丝冒吧~你会发现它们是暗红色的~虽然游戏的时候根本看不出来~但还算是我精心弄的了~hoho@ Ferrari Enzo 轮毂同样改为金属碳黑色~不过没有螺帽~hoho@~`` Cadillac CTS 轮毂改为五柱子式豪华轿车轮毂~~
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
:cheeky:Thank you very much~ ~Perhaps I will look for a help toward you! Thank you~` hoho@ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
a ha~ It's there! -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
Ford Mustang is OK~.:lol: -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
You archiver say the file have a mistake? = .=#! e.................... My TDU is no online and no archiver.exe ~~ I think your's TDU is online~``` sorry~ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
TO:CobraDBlade... Ford Mustang~ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
ha~ It's OK~ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
It's there!~~hoho@ hope you like it's~ :)~` Carrera GT. -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
Porsche Carrera GT~ OK,wait for me~. -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
I am so sorry~ I the person with more hope know` I am wrong~ Sorry`:ill: -
This Patch is Porsche GT3 !! it's made by me~ My Porsche GT3 video: Download: Attention:Click here to download! → " 下载文件(IE浏览器) " or " 下载文件(非IE浏览器) " I hope you can play GT3~
TDU fly to Airport and mysterious island video: Fly to Airport Go to mysterious island :confused:
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
My english name is " KuLysa " -
Creators Site Copyright © 2008 Vorontsov Boris (ENB developer)! One of the best Modders on the planet! PC mimicry XBOX Test Drive Unlimited Super.Light The Video: Download: Attention: Click here to download! → " 下载文件(IE浏览器) " or " 下载文件(非IE浏览器) " Elucidation: copy " color、quality、d3d9.dll、enbseries.ini " to "X:\Test Drive Unlimited\" ;)
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
thank you~ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
yes,you are right~ just replace the BNK with windows explorer~ and by "F3 key" to look for Log_in.bnk~ thank you~ -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
"Thanks evozhui and welcome to TDUc." :welcome: hoho@ I like your are very friendly~~~~ I like here~ thank you! -
evozhui: TDU Menu Background Patches [Download]
evozhui replied to evozhui's topic in Car Customization Mods
:ill: I'm sorry everyone~ The first,I am a Chinese boy,and I english isn't good,but I can try by english talk about with your, and understanding Please... I modification this post at moment,I hope everyone can download this patch so easy,and I add a " download picture "[Look for "Click here!"~] Oh~ and I sooooooooooooooo like here,Ilike "TDU-C",and I like your are very friendly,because it's so abundant!and it's good than Chinese TDU Website~~ -
How to setup the patch:↓ 1.Choice you like game menu background's LOG_IN.bnk 2.and replace with the bnk of your choice: X:\Test Drive Unlimited\Euro\Bnk\FrontEnd\HiRes\LOG_IN.bnk X:\Test DriveUnlimited\Euro\Bnk\FrontEnd\LowRes\LOG_IN.bnk 3.Play games! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Download: Download: Attention:Click here to download! → " 下载文件(IE浏览器) " or " 下载文件(非IE浏览器) " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------