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End of summer, and my own car

So today is the first day of classes of fall

Looking back to the things I have done in the summer, hmm

Basically: work, website, dentist and some game time

(You may wonder how dentist can consume that much time, the answer is, I got two root canals and bunch other treatments

which cost me like 15+ visits to the dentist, and still haven't finished yet, sob sob)

Follow by the school start now I have to be a full time student with two part time jobs

Which is going to be pretty hard for me, hmm

Recent purchases? It's been a while since my last update, of course I have bought bunch stuff but they all scattered with my other collections, can't find them lol

Below are images of the new car that my parents bought: Toyota RAV4 XLE 2013

IMG 0239[1]

IMG 0240[1]

and here is their old car, which eventually become mine now: Toyota Corolla (I think it's a 2000 build, old hey)

IMG 0237[1]

IMG 0238[1]


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update: confirmed it's a 2000 build (still old but not too old :P)




我上个星期去旅游时碰到一些住房里面的人才真叫米帝, 我迟点发个博客文说那个

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