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Trip to up-state, thousand islands, niagara fall, great lakes, fort and others

Went on a family trip to New York up state last week

Below are some major viewpoints

Thousand islands - literally 1864 islands along the Canadian and US border river

and this always reminds me of the community "thousand eyes" from mondaiji (゚∀゚)

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Three star hotel - the place was pretty comfortable, but due to our tight schedule, didn't have enough time to enjoy it

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British and French Fort - during the time of colonization, until took over by the U.S, the forts are 300 years old

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Power Plant

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Indian show - well, wasn't so clear, I do have a picture taken with the performers, but I don't feel like showing it

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Niagara Fall - we had to wear raincoat before we enter the falls, and still, we all got wet

and when I was in the center of the big falls, couldn't see anything (*゚∀゚)

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