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To those who play Diablo3

Be careful when trading with someone in game

I just got scammed for 1 million gold

And then I went search in the forum, found that

people can use 3rd party scrip to remove item from trade window when it is finalized (or before) by fast switching

the trade system is not suppose to let one able to use 3rd party script to remove (fast switching) item after accept button is clicked

thus this is a game's technical issue

Just submitted a ticket, hope they will restore or just rollback my account (each account is limited to 2 rollbacks)

meanwhile, ima continue working on the site

good luck everyone



and before the game had infinite copy weapon/armor, auction house bugs

plus bunch botting/hacking/gold farmer we already know

the scam happened yesterday right after i talked to a friend that's about to quit the game, funny thing is i told him that "i'm hooked to it since diablo 1&2, even it is failing i want to see it til the end with my own eye"

but now it just makes me sign



i got a reply from bliz, all he said was apologize/thanks, and bunch useless info, and not even mention what to do with the cheater

i shot them a reply saying that doesn't solve my issue, and the cheater should be punished since i'm not the only one fallen into his victim

and then they replied said that they can't do anything restoration or rollback (kool, my gold is forever gone)

and sound like they may do some action to that cheater but today i log in n see he is still online (yeah, rly?)

double sign..


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