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Everything posted by tdu66

  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_A-iaZYzZR48/SpO9rWbPV5I/AAAAAAAABHo/lu9QLom37Ok/s1600-h/TDU+Ace+Screen+106.png Very very nice! :D
  2. Nice pics mate! This is my favorite: http://img9.imageshack.us/i/20090823191923.jpg/ :drool:
  3. *Update* Ford GT vs Ferrari Scuderia GT: and a nice view:
  4. That interior looks amazing :eek2: Will it have the classic "Wolf Racing" wheels , are other ones ?
  5. http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt117/Lemonfizz224/TDU_Countach8.jpg Mean Machine! Very nice shot! :thumbsup:
  6. Loading structure in progress... Wait a moment! Cant you upload it at Filesfront or something ? :( E: Never mind, patience is the key ^^
  7. http://damiaxscreenshots.blogspot.com/ +rep :D
  8. http://www.abload.de/img/20090611221411rhdu.jpg Nice! :drool:
  9. If you had finished it, HTF, I would vote for you, but now Eyekatcher's is the best ;)
  10. I'd like to join, but ill have to find you first :D
  11. Thanks all ;) The maker liked the exhausts like this, that's all ;)
  12. :welcome: Nice shots! I like the bike one ;)
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