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Posts posted by sfy2004

  1. the challenges that you set up using the Editor feature are meant to be downloaded at the Drive In's, but only one at a time per person/account until the time expires.


    just a little bit of info, dont be surprised when someone beats your best time by an inconcievable amount of time. or goes faster than the car should go, many cheaters stalk the Drive In Challenges. in the past you could try to avoid them by using only cars that came with the game and not Mega Pack cars. but now people can edit the physics of the cars and increase their speed, handling,traction, and other stuff. they cheat more effectively.


    and they call it "Progress"....:fp:

  2. "Walk back to your car to find out some 9 year old is ramming into your Zonda with an SUV"



    one of the main reasons i do NOT want damage in the game, far too many immature people will be tempted to ram anyone in sight. i can honestly say that i wont be a bit surprised to see groups of people who belong in a club going around ramming people. but hopefully they have addressed this in some way, and lets hope the Serenity Now people stay away from this game

  3. HECK NO!!!!



    as i have said before, good cars but unworthy of being in TDU2.

    the blueprint is pretty clear as far as the cars expected in a game such as TDU. stick to the blueprint, dont be bringing in average everyday cars.

  4. thats just how the game is. connecting to people can be a little frustrating at times.....maddening even. it doesnt matter if you click on them or not, sometimes you just cannot connect, at all. sometimes driving a little ways down the road can help if there is a cluster of people in one spot. but not always.


    some people get in a group and use the isolate feature, which will block anyone from joining them


    sometimes you can join a group for a minute them have them all disappear in a split second. its just part of the game, hopefully they fix it for TDU2

  5. sounds great, but the stupid performance editor severely handicaps those of us who play the game the way it was delivered. so any one using that cheat will have much faster speeds than honest players, which makes it about as honest as the top 50 scores in any challenge

  6. agreed. what is the point in waiting for a game that lets you drive the same car you have in the driveway, or that 7.5 million people own in real life?


    that was what made TDU so good, EXOTIC cars, cars you only see once in a great while....the Enzo, Zonda, Daytona Coupe, 250GTO, CCR, McLaren......the Dream Cars.


    but a Nissan Altima? Ford Fiesta? Hyundai? all good cars, but not TDU2 worthy

  7. they need to make it so it can be turned off. imagine how well we will all be driving the first few days while we try to get the wheel settings and everything properly adjusted, at a time when we are likely to be short on available ingame cash for repairs.


    i suggest that damage should not be turned on until you advance past the first or second level (rookie or amateur) and are more familair with the game and driving properly. further,i suggest that if a new person who just started his game 20 minutes ago runs into your supercar, whether intentionally or accidentally, the damage should not count against you. the servers should be able to tell who is at what level of progression ingame and respond accordingly

  8. we have no idea what the magazines have actually seen, how complete the game they saw was, or if they saw stuff they were not permitted to mention....yet. its all speculation, and will be until we all have a copy in our hands. Atari and Eden are playing this pretty smart, giving little bits here and there. hopefully they are including both O'ahu and Ibiza, as well as some off-road stuff

  9. i agree with Speed 12. more true race cars, but with a twist....if they included a track, be able to store an F1, NASCAR, or some other type of race car in a facility at the track.


    maybe have an extension of your clubs headquarters at the track and make some special race cars available as a club exclusive

  10. some hitchhikers and models are specific as to what car they will ride in.

    but overall, go with the car you can drive the best at higher speeds. but remember that if you touch another car or go off the road even a millimeter, it will affect your " score" for that challenge. good thing is,they can be done over and over until you get a "Perfect score" unlike the car delivery missions, if you deliver the car with anything less than a "Perfect score", you will lose significant money. best to restart them as soon as anything happens that causes the driving meter to lose one point or more

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