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  1. link is dead
  2. and i have a second question how can i change the wheelbase because there is no change in the wheelbase... and with the ride height it worked before i asked but i didn't put it down enough xd ;)
  3. this is super nice but how did you make the cars so low ? i tried it with djey tools and with TDUPE but none worked :(
  4. no but this are not bad videos do you want a video from the car racing ??? kinda strange with an S6 :P
  5. this is an sound of S6 there are dozen of movies but this is one in HD or doesn't it matter ? .. here you go enough videos ;)
  6. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9357/20100125150242.jpg you can use mine if you want not super quality but it is a nice pic ;)
  7. i can i have the same problem but tdu is crashed again :S so i cant make pics
  8. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Sienna this was a photo from vacation :D
  9. Good entrant ? -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  10. yes that is true but the lp640 is more videos with good quality i think and the murc is older.... bad vids ? or is that a wrong thought?
  11. to be honest i think this is very good +rep;)
  12. okay thankyou for that nice feedback i wil find a nice one for you alright if i can find it , but i find the sound not really bad that you made out of it.....
  13. yes a render but not a mod for TDU :)
  14. this is so nice can you make the tire pirelli p zero ?
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