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Posts posted by wagnerpsc

  1. неплохо получилось, только шкала тахометра как минимум немного пугает :)

    есть ли в планах перетекстурить его в черный или серый мат, с минимумом хрома?

    bad happened, just the scale of the tachometer at least a little scared

    Are there any plans pereteksturit it in black or gray mat with a minimum of chrome?


    damn you google translate :bsad:

  2. that playground stoles even from other russian sites,at least it's not a personal thing against other countries,they're a bunch of

    about do the same thng,i don't think it's fair with the serious russians modders like grin and stargt,but some other deserve it,like the one who was charging for mods and others that don't let non russians download their mods

    Edit: in the 300C mod that stev give the credits to razer,but in most of the other don't,such a cretin....


    [mod edit:] Please do not swear or use asterisk's to mimic swearing, thanks.

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