This is a benevolent buglist of mine for TDU (yes, partly with multiple reposts). It's intent is to make TDU2 a better game.
The 3 main problems preventing TDU from being as cool as it should and could be:
1: Un-working gearbox. How the hell could this happen? Am I doing something awfully wrong or is gear changing really this bad? I mean it misses gearchanges. A lot. This is nonsense. Is there a solution (next to using auto)?
2: Rough terrain. Many ppl have complaint about it already. I understand that the benefit of it is that there are virtually no load times in TDU, which I appreciate much, but this is a bit too much. I'm dare to pay some load time, frames/sec and diskspace for much smoother roads.
3: Ugly traffic behaviour and invisible police. Details of it: they wander into to wrong side of road; they stop for no reason and suddenly; they change lanes erraticly (shaking); they crash themselves on the humps of the road braking their vehicles; they miss using turn signals; they change lanes too often ahead of the player. Some of these happen less if I drive sequential transmisison cars without auto clutch. :eek2: Policecars seem to work properly, they are just sometimes invisible.
4: -You can't see on the GPS if on a road to be driven on (green) you haven't been before (gray).
5: The GPS tells you a bit late to turn.
6: There are no multiple GPS signs, so if you have to turn right after there's an intersection towards the left a few meters before to the right (you should turn into), you will have a too short time to see the call to turn right.
7: If you pick up a bonus car for free in the shops, the sound effect of payment can still be heared.
8: In my profile the distance done with bikes currently shows about 5.17x1e-517000 km (which is just above zero) :eek2:, and it doesn't change.
9: Cars with different engines should have different sounds (S7TT and a Brittish car, I can't remember). It's so illusion-destroying, like the too-low-poly roads.
10: Speed limiters work unrealistically. An SL 65 with even a minimum of tuning should do at least 330 km/h. I guess removing the speed limiter would be one of the first things, when one is to tune such a piece.
11: Altough I haven't driven bikes too much, but I found their steering a bit difficult. Turning circle radius at minimum speed is like that of a bus.
12: Occasionally you can't see the GPS map because of the icons appearing on it.
13: If I drive in deeply into the garden of a house, I can't enter it, because I've driven away from its icon at the gate.
14: Jumping isn't fun.
15: Looking sideways is uselessly slow.
16: The CLS 55 AMG have interchanged tacho and speedo. Fixed with Megapack. :cool:
17: With some views the on-screen GPS signs block the view of the road ahead.
18: The GPS prefers saying the distance to the destination over the calls for turn.
19: In some cars the map on the screen in the dahsboard moves into the incorrect way. I haven't checked if Megapack fixed this one so far.
20: You can't do another type of thing that the text in the upper left shows. So until it writes out the music performer, you can't lower the windows.
21: The windows are up by default, yet at first TDU tries to draw them "even upper".
22: Can't read the performer in the radio. (BTW this radio system is pretty cool.)
23: Are the front tires of the Audi TT really wider than the rear ones?
24: Blocking at braking.
25: Changing the field of view during braking is uncool. It makes precise braking more difficult.
26: There shouldn't be sideways movement in the cutscenes showing the rolling of the car into / from houses.
27: You can't hear the speeches in the delivery missions.
28: Single-lane roads have improper (assymetric) painting on their sides.
29: You can't bring up the map during races and police pursuits. I guess this is by design, but sometimes it would be good.
30: More realistic engine sounds would be great. Or at least, more powerful ones.
31: Traffic cars won't interrupt lane change, if there is no reason for it anymore.
32: Changing to reverse is too slow with autoclucth on.
33: The GPS won't interrupt saying its message that is interrupted by stepping into or exiting a race, e.g..
34: Changing view is erratic, it should happen smoother.
35: Too big volume difference between low-class and high-class cars. So an A class is too much louder than an F class. Mustang e.g. sounds like a dying electric razor.
36: Some clips in the radio are too loud even in low volume setting, while others are too silent even in maximum volume setting.
37: Tuning should always mean benefit. I felt e.g. the Ascari KZ1 driving worse at level 3 then stock. Too low ride height maybe?
38: Blinking pointers in the instruments in cockpit view.
39: In one of the types of houses (with a capacity of 6) the ceiling ventillator turns into the wrong direction. This way it would blow air upwards. Okay, forget it. :lol:
40: It would be great to have proper races on the Oahu racetrack.
41: Sometimes the look won't center itself. Probly it happens when you look the car sideways in an external look, and then change to inside. Sorry, I didn't figure this out properly, but it happened more than once.
42: Increasing / decreasing magnification is way too slow.
43: I feel something is wrong with the way cars are painted in the chameleon shop. Maybe it's just me, but somehow it's non-obvious, or something.
44: Transmission wires are always in hurricanes. :)
45: What's this repetaing sound in hood view above a certain speed? It's like something would keep gently crashing into something.
46: It would be awsome to do the Millionaire's race (or any other) with other than just a given class of vehicles, at least after all races are won in the game.
47: As an offline player, I didn't find much sense in hardcore mode, although I like sim style in general.
48: G class should be separated from others. Like it could be called veteran class, or something.
49: 0-60 mph times are pointless. Something like 30 to 120 would be much better. *cough* use km/h *cough*
50: Not a bug, but I would prefer less cars with a more unique character of them.
51: Classifying cars based on prestige instead of performance doesn's seem very reasonable for me.
52: And finally, earning money to be able to own all cars and all houses (which I would like to) should be more varied than just doing Millionaire's race over and over again like 100 times (or Tixier Loop 1000 times). M's race is awsome, but if I wan't to buy all cars, it makes all other races pratically non-existent (worthless) for a very long time. More freedom, please.
Huh, that's it for now.