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Everything posted by TheDuck38

  1. Hello Syckobot, Did you try to download again ? Sometimes the file you get is corrupt, despite the TCP/IP protocol... I don't have these files anymore, but if you really want the crazy winter and it still does not work after a second download, you can try my installer (it is made to install / de-install automatically the crazy winter mod - check my signature). TD38
  2. The feedback seems not the best ever made indeed; but what I like in this game is the ability to freeride with other players... and the two islands are worth discovering.
  3. Waow, I was wondering why the new DLC2 changed nothing on my non-existent force feedback :confused:. I played a long time with these settings, not imagining it could work like you said... Thanks ! And I totally agree with you : this is wrong, inapprehensible, irritating, stupid, ridiculous and more !
  4. Hello, Basicly, my app just moves modified files from the 'TDU Season' folders to your TDU folders. It just makes a backup of the original files to restore the 'normal' situation at will. If you read the log file, you will understand what happens, as it is clearly written. Just try different installs and have a look to the log. I make a difference between 'Mod' (ie 'main' mode like winter or autumn) and 'sub-mod' (for example weather modification that can be added to the main mode). So if you wan to play with the weather files, you may restore the normal mode, and then modify both 'Weather.ini' and 'WeatherDesc.ini' in the folder of the sub-mod that you want to install (let's say Maciuk's weather mode for example). Then, when you install the sub-mod with my app (so Maciuk's, in my example case), it will move the changed files to your game folder. There's also a possibility with the 'Custom install' to put whatever files you want to install in the correct folder and use the app to switch these files at will. Just read the readme file for more information about this option. So now, you may see that in fact, changing directly a file may not do what you want, as if you change an original file (directly in TDU folders), it will be replaced by the modded ones when you switch to any mod; and if you change some of the modded files in one of the TDU Season folder, it will work only for this mod when you select it and not the others (except if you change all the same files in all the Season mod folders)... Combining mods is very complicated as you need to replace 'elementary files' inside the big ones (.bnk files). There is a tool to do it called "TDU Modding tool" available on this forum. In most of the cases, different mods affect the same bnk files, but not the same elementary files inside. So to combine mods, you must know exactly what you are doing. In my case, I decided to 'pre-define' mods and the way to combine them to avoid mixing (and messing) everything with no control, and very complicated restoration after (I also had to think in terms of algorithm and interface)... so my app does not allow anything, but is simple to use and makes in a few seconds what would take much more time ! Edit : I also recommend -again- to make a complete backup of TDU before starting to play with mods !!! Edit2 : For your problem of "not changing weather" it means that you may have installed a mod that removes or slows the weather cycles; just edit the weatherdesc.ini and weather.ini to know : Weather.ini contains the descriptions of the different weathers (and lighting effects). WeatherDesc.ini contains the cycles of these different weathers. TD38
  5. Very quick reply : you need to edit the weatherdesc.ini and weather.ini files. There is a parameter called 'Timescale' that modifies the weather changing speed. If you installed a 'sub-mode' it changed the weather behavior... Go to the threads concerning the mods I implemented in my app (just click on 'Credits') to get more information. TD38
  6. Hello, The most probable cause of your issue is that you forgot to set the "Write" rights on your TDU folders and subfolders... the app is able to take the files, but not to put them in TDU folders. Have a look to the readme file, and make sure you gave the write access to "C:\Program Files\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited" and the subfolders... Then you must restore before asking the app to do any other mod installation. Please tell me if it works better after. TD38
  7. Links have been refreshed => working now. TD38
  8. The first segment that had been erased on fileFront has been re-uploaded... TD38
  9. You want to save the 2 zip files on your disk, and then open the first one. If you have the proper soft on your computer it should extract everything as an installer... the better is to use 7zip; it's free. By the way, you're right, it's better to a a functional TDU before installing any mod :D I have Net Framework 3.5. TD
  10. @Carfax You use the 'printscreen' key on the keyboard to take a screenshot, then paste it inside the windows 'Paint' application ans save it in .jpg format. Retrieve the pictue file and add it as attachment to your post. Can you describe IN DETAILS the problem you have (ie write entirely the error you get) ??? Did you read the 'Readme' files and follow the install procedure for each program, starting with crazy winter auto installer ? TD38
  11. @Carfax Hello, I suggest you read entirely the first post and the readme file. There is vital informaion inside... The most probable cause to your problem (from your description) is that you did not install the Winter Crazy Edition Auto Installer previously. If it is not the case, please make a screenshot of the issue. TD38
  12. @bravox09 Your TDU Season mod folder should look like this (I didn't expand everything): [ATTACH]17051[/ATTACH] Can you send me the following files : - Mode.txt - TDU SMod log.txt - TDU SMod settings.txt Thx TD38
  13. Hello, bravox09 To understand better, can you send me the complete log file and the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\TDU Season\Tropical Paradise v2.2\Light roads\Light roads.script Basically, my app checks that all the files indicated inside the script file exist before attempting to run the script. In your case, nothing happens because one or more file is missing. I suppose you still have the original file structure with no weird things inside the game ? Did you follow carefully the install tips (user rights ?, install season mod after winter mod without having activated the winter mode) ? I have to go back in my file structure (it's quite a long time since I used it for the last time) to understand what happened to you. But I definitely need the complete log file. Bye TD38
  14. Yes, just go up a few posts and read... TD38
  15. Hello, Try this : TDU CWE AS 1_51.7z.001 TDU CWE AS 1_51.7z.002 TDU CWE AS 1_51.7z.003 TDU CWE AS 1_51.7z.004 TDU CWE AS 1_51.7z.005 These files have been uploaded on Sendfile.com... they have not been checked (I mean, downloaded after upload), so if the decompressing goes bad, get the checksum file on Megaupload or filefront, and verify the files you get are good. If not after a few try, tell me and I will upload again the corrupt file. If you get a correct install, consider upgrading directly to the "Season mod" (check my signature) before using the application. This will give you more security, more mods, and also a log file in case of issue. TheDuck38
  16. Hello, Megaupload gives me 700 kb/s for the first file, then from 250 to 100 kb/s... I cannot upload the files on the site you request as I don't understand the language... There's no flag to click to translate the site... sorry ! If you give me an 'English speaking' site, I will upload again the files... TheDuck38
  17. Hello, As it's big files, it happens sometimes that they get corrupt... just get the 'checksums' text files and you'll be able to check if one of the files is damaged, and then get it again. It happened to me the first time I uploaded my files, and then downloaded them to check everything was OK : the first segment was bad. Downloaded again and it worked. I don't know Winrar archiver; I used 7zip to compress as it was a freeware that everybody can get. Don't hesitate if still have trouble. And I would advise to upgrade to 'Season Mod' (check my signature) before starting to use the mod (just install them in a row without launching the app) in order to get all the features. Theduck38
  18. Yes, it is a bug from the original files. No houses, no 'interacting' buildings... Happy to know that you got it working. You should think of upgrading to 'Season mod installer'. Just check my signature... If you upgrade, please don't forget to RESTORE NORMAL MODE BEFORE UPGRADING ! The Season Mod gives more mods (winter, autumn, "Jungle") and lighting effects. It's more versatile, and has a logfile in case of problem. Bye. TD38
  19. Hi, If you have XP, no need to change access for user. You can try this to be absolutely sure you have write access to TDU files : Start menu => Run => type "cmd" in 'open' field, then OK => you get the DOS interface Then type : cd c:\program files\atari\test drive unlimited (return) or : cd c:\archivos de programa\atari\test drive unlimited (return) => depends on the language of your system attrib -R /D /S (return) ... this will set the read/write tag to TDU and all subfolders. Then try again to set a road mode in the app. If it is still not working, can you make a screenshot of the files you find in : c:/archivos de programa/atari/test drive unlimited/TDU winter/snowy normal/ ? TD38
  20. Hello, I see Win Vista or 7 ? On these OS you need to "give full access to user" (I quote it because I have XP and don't know the way to do it on other OS). ... and remove the readOnly tag to TDU folder AND SUBFOLDERS. The message displayed at the bottom of the app says that it's copying the RoadPatch.bnk file in its related folder => the most probable issue is that you (the app) don't have the write access to this folder... You can check by trying to duplicate a file inside c:/program files/atari/test drive unlimited/euro/bnk/Details ... if you can't it means you don't have write right. Tell me... TD38
  21. @Burege Did you solve your crashing roads issue ? TD38
  22. Hello, There are several reasons that lead to this message. The most common is that you didn't switched TDU folder and subfolders to Read/write. Depending if you are using Win Xp, 7 or Vista there is some vital piece of information in the readme file. If it's your issue, do not try to restore before changing the folders to read/write. If your issue is something else, please indicate : - your system - if you are using Crazy winter auto installer or the Season mod installer I'll try to help you. TD38
  23. Hello, This is not the right place to post this issue, as I suppose you downloaded my installer. I reply here... Theduck38
  24. So I don't understand your last Edit... is the game working in winter mode ? Is my app doing its job correctly ? I think the ingame crashes you get come from Atari servers that are being moved. This mod was used by many people with no major issue like you have, except when not installing the Magic Map. Concerning the Season mod, it really worth installing; maybe you could get the checksum files and see if you didn't get a corrupt file when downloading (quite often). Don't forget that you must be in restored mode (normal mode) if you upgrade the app to season mod... By the way, the season mod app has a log file that can greatly help to troubleshoot... Don't hesitate if you're still stuck with errors... TD38
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