I have to say i think this is an awesome game, by no means is it perfect but very few games are. It all came together for me driving my new Zonda through a late night thunderstorm. Its test drive unlimited 1 supersize and thats just fine with me, more of the same a little better is all i ever wanted and what most sequels deliver. Just look at the call of duty modernwarfare series and how well that sells despite being basically the same game every time ( i say game in the loosest sense of the word ). Yes the lack of cars is a little frustrating the grapihcs arnt the best but otherwise the changes and all for the better.
I dont get what people are saying about the handling at all. If you want hyper realism buy a car, if you want as close as you can come buy a simulator or go for the lesser option and buy forza and if you want a rich person simulator with arcade aspects buy test drive. The handling may not be accurate but its fun and fits in well with the theme as these arnt racetracks were dirving on.
Engine noises are ok, probably not spot on but then how many of us have driven a £200000 sports car to limit on a regular basis to know if they are or not ( watching top gear dosent count ladys and gents ). Yes there are server issues but name me some mmo`s that have had a flawles launch on a budget like edens and im sure that these issues are likely to be fixed soon.
My only real complaints are directed at the lack of bikes and lambos, one is not edens fault ( unles lambos appear as DLC in which case ill be a little angry, but also happy ) the other is not really fair of me to complain about. Its their game to decide if bikes fit into or not and i think adding an entire new island and the concept of off road was a fair trade for the bikes. Talking of the off road bits they are excellent fun. quick and easy to pick up combined with the day night and weather cycles they make for allot of fun. One complaint i did forget to mention which i think is a major issue but not beyond fixing is the lack of the ability to sell any of your cars, not a market place as that idea is a little pointless but it would be nice jsut to be able to sell cars at any time, or maybe gift them to friends. Like i say its not perfect but Its a damn good attempt.
So overall a great enjoyable experience that dosent live up to the communitys expectations only because the community expected too much, sit down chill out and have a drive around two beautifull islands in some cars not many of us are ever likely to own chatting to friends in a genre of game no one has really been brave enough to try to make except eden. Thankyou eden