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Everything posted by Shanakar

  1. Hey mate, awesome stuff. Doesn't matter if you're 100%, time brings more experience. Also bear in mind that you will be credited for doing them so your name will appear in the credits. :) I will send you a PM now. :)
  2. Thats the problem, I am not offering the models to a modder, I am requesting a modder to join us to do them for us. Whether they only want to do one or two cars or be a full time member its up to them. But we're not offering the models to a modder to do them and release them through their name.
  3. Well, my group creates car models for other racing games. I also wish to put those models into TDU but don't have anyone on my team who knows how to put car models into TDU. I need someone who knows how to get 3DS Max car models into TDU.
  4. No one wishes to help?
  5. Yeah I get a lot of my games off ebay too simply because I don't justify paying 100 bucks for a game I can get off ebay for 40-50 bucks. I see, I didn't see the other posts so my apologies, I didn't mean to come off like a hard donkey :P but being a member at Gamespot and IGN I have grown sick and tired of all the fanboys bashing and flaming the consoles they don't like for stupid reasons. In the hardware department I agree that the PS3 is by far the best that is out there and that has been out there in console history, unfortunately, they've made the game coding and developers licence so expencive that its driven most developers away from sony and to Microsoft. Hardware wise, it is the best, but they have not done much with it. Sure God of War 3 is spectacular and my favourite game on the PS3 at the moment. GT5 will also be great, some other games have great graphics too. But then what? I just wish so much that the PS3 did a better job at producing a better range of games like its predecessor the PS2 did. Heck the PS2 was selling more games for a while then the PS3 was from games that were made on both consoles. In regards to the XBox live membership, yeah it doesn't sound like much until you accumulate it over the years, but that goes with anything nowadays. As for the basic multiplayer functionality in the 360, yeah that I agree with that, they should have some form of basic multiplayer for the silver memberships even if its limited to a certain number of hours per day or certain amount of times per month. In any case, I own all three of the new consoles and I like them all for different reasons, but I cannot claim any of them as the overall best. They all have pros and cons. I love the Wii's ability to make any game fun, I love the game choice the 360 gives, and I love the realism in some of the games on the PS3 as well as some titles which are exclusive. Each of them have their pro's and it really all depends on what you want.
  6. See, I live in Australia too and own the PS3, X360 and the Wii along with my various PC's. You say that the PS3 is just the better console to have. Where are you getting that from? The games? Tell me, when you walk in a store how many shelves of PS3 games you see? You'll be lucky if you get two full shelves, what about 360? something like 5 shelves in every EB Games. How many pre-owned PS3 games do you see? More then there's actual non-pre owned games. 360? The new games outweight the pre-owned. So it can't be game choice. Game quality? sure the PS3 has better capabilities, but then, what are you seeing it on? 1 or 2 games? You don't see it in every single game. The Blu-Ray? If I wanted a 500 dollar blu-ray player, I'd go out and buy a dedicated blu-ray player that would do an even better job then the PS3's blu-ray player and I'd only have to pay something like 200-300 bucks. The online content? The PS3 is shockingly bad in its online store and even its online gameplay. It doesn't even compare to the 360 in the online features. And someone said the PS3 is free online but the X360 isn't. Um, dunno what they were smoking because I go online and download content and talk to friends with a normal silver membership. The PS3 is the most worthless console in gaming history and unless you wanted it solely for blu-ray DVD watching oh and maybe 2-3 games. Its not worth buying one. I am sick and tired of hearing people idolize the console simply because they are waiting for one game or because its the best blu-ray player in their view. ITS A CONSOLE!!!! for gods sake, its supposed to put gaming ahead of anything else, the PS3 doesn't do that. It just has gaming as a side feature. As much as I hate microsoft and hoped the PS3 would be the best console in this generation, sadly, it isn't, and only sony fanboys who just don't care about the bad stuff they get time after time from companies will argue that its good. I'm sorry, but any argument to say that the PS3 is the best console is just wrong and stupid. In capabilities it may be the best, but in what it delivers content wise and game wise is just appauling and a laughing stock in gaming history. I've not only got a white console elite with the 120gb HDD I have the new black console with the 250GB HDD too. I wish I never supported microsoft, but in this case with the 360, I prefer to support microsoft a million times over then sony. I love the console and the games and the online content and features. I hope that Sony will get their gear together and produce something much better in the next gen consoles, but I doubt it. Sony are too far up themselves and its more likely they will produce another piece of...bad equipment for people to waste their money on and think they got the better end of the deal.
  7. Hi all. I am looking for someone who is interested in putting my groups models in TDU so we can release them to the community for free. Cars include Formula 1 cars, BTCC 1998 cars, and many other cars. If anyone is interested then please let me know. I'd love to have someone who'll be willing to help get these cars in TDU. You can view our cars here. http://www.mak-corp.net EDIT: MUST have msn messenger for easy communication and file transfering.
  8. Welcome to TDUCk, beware of the ducks roaming around, they're nutcases and bite quite hard. :P HAHA, but no seriously, they're vicious. :P Hope you enjoy your stay here. TDU 2 is indeed going to bring out the madness in all of us so you're at the right place.
  9. See, I read all these pros and cons etc but at the end of the day its all about individual oppinions and what you want it for. I own every console since the Amiga Keyboard Cassette tape unit and gaming has been a heavy part in my life for decades. In regards to my PS3 and 360. Well, I will say this, I was a sony fanboy for PS1 and PS2 although if the Dreamcast had not been overshadowed by the PS1, the PS1 would have died instead of the Dreamcast. Anyhow. You all talk about blu-ray this and blu-ray that. This is a gaming console. Why would anyone buy a 500+ dollar console for blu-ray movies? The PS3 for me is a major let down and as much as I hate microsoft, the 360 is more enjoyable. What are the pros of owning a PS3? really I don't know. Other then having a few exclusive titles like Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Ratchet and Clank series. There really isn't much else to make the console worthwhile. The online downloadable game content for PS3 games is shockingly bad compared to 360, and other then what, a blu-ray DVD player, what does it really offer? nothing. If I want to watch blu-ray movies (which in all honesty I don't) then I'll buy a blu-ray DVD player and not diminish my console's life time by watching movies on it. Not to mention it would be quieter on a normal blu-ray dvd player. As a developer of games and hardware, I just don't get the mentality of some people. Sony has strayed away from what is gaming and has provided in all seriousness a very expensive blu-ray DVD player with...oh lets throw gaming into it. The game choice on the PS3 is horrendous and proves my point in other sites that exclusive games should not be allowed. I know its what helps sells certain consoles, but it really stinks. I think games should be made available to all consoles and if Polyphony want to make more money back then what they spent to make Gran Turismo 5, then they need to also make it available on 360. It really ticks me off that as a sony fanboy, I have to say that the PS3 is the biggest let down in gaming history. Now I know that many of you other sony fanboys will nag at me about my views, but I don't only think as a gamer who has played thousands of games across every console, but also as a developer. The PS3 is for me the biggest let down in gaming history, I expected much more and how many years later we're still being told, just wait, it will pick up. You can think of the PS3 like Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows Vista was the very bad OS they brought out and instead of fixing it, they brought out the better Windows 7 so people could spend more money on what was evidently better. The PS3 is Vista, the very bad product that exists now, and instead of fixing it, they will release their next console in the future that will HOPEFULLY rebuild the Playstation name. But that is my two cents on the matter. Each person will have their individual choice. For me, I want a console for one thing, gaming. The Xbox 360 provides that in a much larger scale then the PS3 does in my view.
  10. Damn, now you make me want to go and get some KFC, with some nice potato and gravy, popcorn chicket, fillet burgers...DAMN IT! If only KFC wasn't a two hour drive return trip. Sighs. I'm not much of a seafood person after reading the cycle of sea creatures. What you haven't read it? Well my good sir, let me educate you. Step 1: Man catches fish from the sea. Step 1: Man cooks and eats the fish. Step 3: Man digests and craps that fish. Step 4: The crap travels back to the sea through sewers which then gets eaten by fish in the sea. Step 5: Return and continue from Step 1. Good apetite mate. Enojy! :D
  11. Being the Greek that I am I like the way this 300 movie clip was made to fit this Manowar. Manowar is my favourite band and 300 is my favourite movie but being Greek, that ain't surprising now is it? LOL. Anyhow, hope you all enjoy. It does take some time for the lyrics to kick in but well worth the wait. [TUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfZBMQoNxJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfZBMQoNxJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/TUBE]
  12. LOL, Thanks mate :)

  13. LMAO. Love your avatar Baldy. Kinda startled me a moment. LOL. Thanks for the welcome all. :D
  14. mmmmmm Duck...."drools"... oh wait, there's a T in the front. Damn and I thought I was having smoked duck. :( Hehehe, thanks for the welcome Tom, really enjoying the community here. :)
  15. Hi all. Sorry for the second post in the same board in the same day, but this is unrelated to the first. I was wondering if anyone knew or could get the plugin data or Call Function Data for TDU. As we make SimRacing hardware and want to make them compatible with a free plugin for TDU, we need the call function data codes for things like Speed, Gear, # of KM car has run, and KM to destination. If possible also the game's SDK. Of course I am speaking about the PC version. Does anyone here know how to get these or have these data functions?
  16. I see, I kinda feared as much. So I assume that the modder who makes the car package decides which car it overrides?
  17. With the season already under way and several races gone, what are your thoughts on this years championship? It has been quite an interesting start in my view, I am hoping Alonso wins it this year (not a ferrari fan). What about you all?
  18. Ah cool. Well I've been browsing around and also asked a question in the support board. Seems like there is a real good and friendly community here which is a great thing really as it makes the stay that much more enjoyable. Anyway, thanks for the welcome. :D
  19. lol, thanks for the welcome Milli. Hehe, I am far from normal myself so I guess I'll fit in well then. :D I'm pretty embarrassed that I haven't found this place earlier. I love TDU, I run a modding group for other games and have wanted to mod TDU for ages, but finally I am here and things can get rolling. Maybe I'll be able to find some people here who'll want to help.
  20. Hello all. I have a question in regards to adding cars to TDU. Quite a simple one really. When adding a car to TDU, do you have to replace an existing car? or can you add it to be available for purchase in a specific showroom as an extra car? I know that NFS games require you to change an existing car and am a bit afraid that TDU is the same, hope its not but if anyone can clarify that, would be great.
  21. Greetings fellow TDU Central members. I just found out about this site from another place I go to. I'm a big fan of TDU and also anxiously awaiting TDU 2. I run a company that specializes in game mods, game simulations and pc hardware in the sim-racing/racing game genre which you can see at http://www.mak-corp.net I have been interested for a while now to make some of our cars available in TDU but I don't have liable modders yet for TDU. I hope to get to know some of you here. Greetz.
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