So, the last racing wheel I had was a MadCatz, it did not support PC/360/PS3s at all. Only the GC/Xbox/PS2. Sadly, that was like.... 4-6 years ago.
After doing research and realizing how 'realistic' steering wheels these days are, instead of 90 degrees, they are 900...
Then, I searched "popular pc racing wheels" I found the Logitech G25/G27. Logitech has always been my friend but, Amazon just pierced my heart.... Market Place sellers were selling them both around 400 USD. Luckily for me, I did not have the angry gamer in myself, so I did not throw my 19 inch monitor.
I continued Googling... then came upon Fanatec. I went straight to the "Buy Product" tab to see how much the wheels cost. I expected 600 USD, but the lowest was 159.95... which is what I'm basically asking about. It's the Fanatec 911 Carrera. Although it's the cheapest of all, it is the one that comes with everything without a ridiculous price.
I'm searching for a racing wheel with a 900 degree steering angle, H pattern shifter, with a regular pedal with clutch. My budget is 200 USD. I'm really not gonna spend extra just for a steering wheel, since I have... other things to spend my money on. :P
So, Fanatec 911 Carrera...? or anything better at a good price? :lol:
By the way, I'm not trying to make a topic saying that "Logitech wheel suck" and stuff... It's just... expensive.... man.