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Posts posted by Elder_of_Lyons

  1. I know most of people really enjoy Super Sport cars the most, and TDU2's concept goes around being a successful and rich person who can afford those exotic cars.


    In my opinion the thing with super sports cars is that they are represented in every single game on the market and they get really boring. Right now my question/idea is if probably we shouldn't have more "normal" cars?


    I think TDU2 is the only game with the background and online world to make this happen and actually work. I would like more Sedans, more SUVs, more Japanese Imports. This is not NFS but having like more normal cars with further tuning options, mostly for acceleration and speed would really spice up the online competition. I think cruising around in a car that from the outside seems pretty boring and slow but really the top work is inside the bonnet would be very exciting. Personally I prefer to cruise around in a Sedan rather than in an Exotic Car.


    I would suggest more tuning, deeper tuning, really building your car from scratch, take it to the open road and surprise your friends. I think this would come nicely with a Hardcore Physics DLC/Update. Being able to buy pieces for your car's interior, different suspensions, editing your gearbox, add new tyres, etc... and get your very personalized vehicle into the streets to challenges people. This isn't something for right now, but later on I think this would make the game more interesting and would really give a special meaning to those nights on the highway.


    Please comment on this and give me your opinions!:thumbsup:

  2. Every time this matter is brought back... its really painful. Lamborghini has some of thee most beautiful and sought after cars, everyone knows that. So I would give somee serious money of my own as a donation to help them get it. I would be happy to have Maserati back too but...


    Its not confirmed but I also guess Lambos won't make it to TDU2. So I wanted to express my rage against this injustice. Man, these guys try to make a great game and add all the fans favourite cars and they get bashed by these stupid licensing issues.


    Sincerely, those buttheads at BMW, Porsche, Lamborghini and Maserati should be flattered to have their cars in TDU2. Unfortunately money continues to block EDEN from overtaking all other racing games in quality and variety. A shame that it has to be like that!:mad:

  3. I searched for exactly these areas, milimeter by milimeter, in the total zoom, as they get confused with the ground from the other levels of zoom, and as a did have, and still have a copy of the "99% of Ibiza" save, i decided to make a video some days ago...




    It's "awful" by now, but just to complement the thread.


    I can't thank you enough guys!:thumbsup: Great help!:dance:

  4. Hi Guys! I have discovered every road in both Ibiza areas but I don't go past 99%. I've spend the last freaking 4 hours looking at the map, every inch, every dead end, everything and its all discovered, every freeway exit, every tunel, I just don't get it.


    Please if anyone can help me with this or got the same problem please help!:cry:

  5. I don't wanna be off topic or against anyone, mainly because I am the first to complain about this game but we should give this game a chance, cause I think its worth it. In fact its the only reason I come here to comment and start threads. I don't do that with any other video game, and you know why? Cause this is the only game that can really reach perfection.


    TDU2 has great ideas, a big environment and a strong and united community. Playing the game, getting used to it, coming to the forums to share your doubts, like and dislikes, buying th DLCs, its all important to make TDU2 a better experience. Going back to TDU1 is not the answer to TDU2's problems. I keep on playing cause I see the potential and I see the talent in EDEN to deliver new patches and DLC that can really improve the overall experience.


    Yes, TDU2 sucks, its buggy, glitchy, frustrating, unfinished, whatever... its the new TDU and we need to focus on it rather than going back to TDU1. I think we must avoid the spread of this rising movement of abandoning TDU2 and going back to TDU1.

  6. Is this suppose to be a threat ? :rolleyes:


    Dude your being immature, and annoying by posting the same stuff all the time. Okay this thread is about savegames but what you suggest in your first post, goes into the category of cheating. Just do online races + CRC and you will get money, stop complaining. And do Grow Up please, no need for insults.


    I don't believe I am insulting no one. Its just that every single time I start a thread a bunch of guys come around and just ruin it. Okay I started bad, I complained every time but now I am trying to ask questions and start some discussions, maybe some polls or something. Unfortunately I am getting bashed by the same people all the time, people who judge me for my first posts. People that have no right nor reason to do so.


    Relating to the topic, I think its kind of bad that Events for example pay so miserably. Man, I did some calculating and you need about 60 million $ to buy everything, that is just unreachable. If events paid like 50.000 or 100.000 it would be better. Plus you should be able to compete in the Championships again, maybe not the Cups but at least there should be a way to get more money or faster. This isn't something that came out of my mouth, a lot of fans are complaining about this, but of course, whenever I complain... my GOD its like I talked ill of someone's mother, and that is what I am referring to above.

  7. i thought the save files were connected to your PSN so someone else cant use your save file if you decide to back up the files then you can only use it with the PSN account you created it with....


    but thats my guess


    I hope we are able to do that. Right now with all the progress and levels... every time I play the game I am thinking like "OMG, what if this save file gets damaged or smth?". I will try to start a new game and backup that file, delete the main file and copy the backup to see if it works. It would be really nice.

  8. Check out his post count. It says 190. And guess what is in 99% of those posts? Yep, you've right. You can find his constant whining about how TDU2 is a bad game, and it's getting really boring. No wait, we are long time ago pass that. It's mind numbing, and for God's sake, he should stop bashing Eden and this game already. Elder, you've made your point. We heard it... I mean, read it for 1000 times already, and there's really no point in writing same old thing again... and again. ;)


    Seriously, what is "old" in this thread? I was just asking if save games were incompatible or not. After knowing the answer I just said that for people who may experience problems with the save files or the console itself, the block would not let them back up their files. Plus my opinion of what should be done to earn more money in TDU2. Unfortunately, the "old" ones were able to turn my thread into a freaking hell.


    So, if my posts are all complains, which isn't true, if all my threads are the same, why do the same guys keep posting over and over, instead of just not reading my threads at all? You don't like my threads, don't read them, don't come here and post the same shut ups all over again to ruin my thread.


    I was trying to get people to talk about whether save files should be blocked or not. But now you've completely ruined my thread by attacking me. Just like you have done with most of my thread. Seriously, go drown yourselves. I am writing about a VIDEO GAME not your mothers!

  9. Oh trust me, they would.


    Yes:D of course some people would.


    The thing is, this is not all about cheating or not. Just imagine:


    -I am playing TDU2 for a full year. I have completed everything multiple times, I have 29 million $. Now I can buy pretty much what I want. So my PS3 bluray reader gets damaged and I make a backup file of every game. I get my new console and I can now enjoy all my games again, but when I copy my TDU2 file, they say it doesn't appear to be mine. So its all screwed up!


    This is improbable, but its possible, and as many cheaters as there can be out there... I think that honest people's corrupt or incompatible save games are worth enough to stop that blocking.


    Even without anything happening, if I do complete like 1000 Hawaii Cup 2 speed challenges and I get lots of money. I'll be worried every time I play the game, because I know the save file can get corrupted or not work if I copy it.


    I think its just stupid and irresponsible to block save games, specially since (at least on the Xbox360) they don't even work properly. My personal opinion, is that EDEN really has to end this blocking. Cheating can be seen as bad, but its up to the people that are playing the game, not the developers. Besides, copying save games isn't cheating at all since it can be for backup.

  10. So you're bitter because you can't copy saves to essentially cheat?


    I was surprised to learn that saves could be used with other profiles at all.. I thought that was a thing of the past altogether.



    You can call that cheating. I call that making up for EDEN's stupid decision of not having enough challenges/events or not awarding enough money in each of them.


    Right now I pretty much did everything and I have 10 million $, that is almost not enough to buy a Hawaii Yacht and a Koenigsegg. Not that those are my priorities but its an example. The best challenge to win money is the Hawaii Cup 2 Speed Challenge which awards $20.000. Well I would have to repeat that challenge 2500 times to be able to buy all things.


    First of all, there is no right to block save games since one may need to backup the save file. Second, there wouldn't be a need to copy the save files if EDEN had thought of letting people win the 5 million $ in the Hawaii Cup again. If all Championships and Cups awarded the full prize all over again, no one would even think of cheating, copying files or complaining about lack of ways to make money.

  11. ;) I was banned from the official forums... like most people:D.


    Personally, I don't think its a great idea, when you need...


    -$ 20,821,363 to buy all cars


    -$ 36,391,350 to buy all houses


    -TOTAL: $ 57,212,713 to buy all cars & houses.


    plus Tuning Options, Clothes, Furniture, Stickers, etc...


    ...specially because throughout all the games challenges & events you win about $ 15,000,000 minus the money you have to spend on cars to do challenges and houses to park them, you get about $10,000,000.


    So why would EDEN block the Save Files if you only get 10 millions to buy your dream houses and cars, but to buy it all you need 60 million?



  12. Hi! I tried several times to copy my save file to other profiles (PS3) and when I start the game it reads "This Save File doesn't appear to be yours..." and it doesn't let me use it. This is kind of awkward because this worked in every other game I have. I also tried to copy the save file to an USB flash drive to use as backup file, but when I copy it back it says the save file isn't mine and I can't use it.


    So my doubt being if this is something that only happens on the PS3, plus if there is any way to change it and make it work. :confused:

  13. Buying the car ingame after buying it with real money as DLC has been about since TDU and plenty of other games do it also. In fact the games that just give you the car tend to get left on the shelf again after a few goes whereas when you have to earn it you enjoy it more.


    Or maybe that's just me.


    Again though I do agree with the lack of money making methods in the game as it is.


    I completely agree with you, but in order to buy a Veyron SS I would have to do 90 Hawaii Cup 2 High Speed challenges. Unlike other fans I think the problem isn't in the bought car costing money, which is logical by the way, its the fact that there isn't a wide variety of exciting but fairly easy challenges for people to win a few bucks more then 20.000$.


    I remember the Vehicle Transportation (now Driving Convoy) missions, which in TDU1 were a lot and gave a LOT of money. I think they should add unlimited missions like that or Hitchhinking or so, that would give something between 25.000$ and 100.000$. Personaly I think it would be fun and rather fair.

  14. Adding to the post I wrote earlier:


    -Frame rate is really annoying me, specially when playing online, so I mostly play offline.


    -Be it online or offline I hate to see that the cars in front of you are just crazed with popping, like full parts disappeear and appear again (PS3).


    -No rise in wind sounds when you open the windows./ Car Indicators don't work in cockpit view./ Poor cockpit view details (missing electronic indicators in the Enzo/Touareg/Q7/etc.)/ Lack of windshield wipers./ Complete lack of emotion when overtaking a car./ Incomplete sound effects (you can hear a loud sound from wind distortion when going by a STOP sign, but you hear nothing when going by an oncoming bus at 100mph.


    -Poor Radio songs/ Inability to add songs.


    I mean, some of these aren't that important, in fact you can call some of them completely superfluous, but these little things make me not want to play so much.


    Cruising around online/offline is the highlight of this game, no one can deny it, and having a nice sense of speed, nice songs, lots of details in the cockpit (windshield wipers/indicators/better in-car animations etc.. really helps people to stick with the game and play it for a lot of years.


    Again TDU1 was completely new and unique, so people expected enough improvements to keep them cruising for the following 4 or 5 years. They are not here yet, but hopefully EDEN will listen to the community and maybe with some patches and DLCs, next year or so we can have a much more solid experience and I am waiting and hoping for that!:thumbsup:

  15. Crash into a car then try again?


    Sounds like a bug :p


    See if you can wait until the timer runs out and try a different one


    Yes, its probably a bug. I have tried Adrenalin Events with cars from most classes now, at various locations, at various speeds, various times, its just getting annoying. The strange thing is, I could do the first one's very very easily, I did them with a VW Beetle:p! So what could be wrong now:confused:? I thought it was because of crashing maybe... I even tried different clothes and views but... I have tried pretty much everything and its not working, so I am assuming its one more bug to add to the vast collection.:-x!

  16. Its kind of robbing! I mean, going back to one of my questions, and assuming there is nothing to be done about it... If I could copy my save file to other profiles, I could afford to buy most cars, but in one single profile, its impossible. I am making an estimate, man I would need like 25 to 40 million $ to buy everything in the game, and that is just insane.


    Not adding easy money challenges or events, is arguable and optional. But, it being true, they have no right to block Save Games and make them exclusive to each console profile. Its just not right! I may be wrong but I never played a single PS3 game that doesn't let you use someone else's save game.

  17. Hi! I am on the PS3 and I am getting major problems with the adrenalin event.


    I completed two adrenalin events easily. Then in the third... my Adrenalin Gauge just doesn't move. I do jumps, high speed, dodges, you name it, with several different cars from different classes in various Adrenalin Events from both islands and the meter just doesn't go up. Can anyone help me with this?

  18. Right now I was able to get my European DLC by playing offline, as it was explained in a thread here.


    However, I still can't use save files in other profiles, which is completely new to me, since all other games I have have "intercompatible" save files.


    (I wanted to copy the save file because as to this day, there is no quick way of making money. SO my plan was to make 2 save files, one with half the cars and half the houses, other with the rest. I know you may call this cheating but I have no time nor patience to be doing a speed challenge 1.000.000 times to win enough money to buy a yacht so its pretty much the only way I have to stretch my money.)

  19. The first TDU was the first one so it was fun, it was new, and in my opinion it was far better then the second. TDU2 lacks life, the roads are deserted, the characters look awfull and the voice acting is creepy. It kind of seems Ibiza and Oahu were deserted and are now occupied by advanced robots or something:eek:.


    The main reason why I am so bored at the game is definitely the sense of speed and physics, it seems I am always driving the same car and there is no sense of speed, it always seems I am driving at the same speed, its so boring.


    Its sad to say that the sense of speed and physics of TDU1 were actually more fun and realistic. Man, there is ABSOLUTELY no feel to the acceleration, I mean this is basic! You accelerate in an Enzo or a Zonda, you except to hear some roar, see some visual effects to match the sensation you get in reality... man you get nothing! Its just always the same, the in-car animations are stiff and robotic, the cockpits have less detail then in TDU1, the sense of speed is worse... In TDU1 the car shaked, there was a lot of blur and you could feel acceleration. TDU2 is so boring and bland! TDU2 is boring and I blame the physics, sense of speed, engine sounds and lack of life and atmosphere!

  20. Hi! I have bought the European DLC cars, but not in the profile I play in because I had no money there, so my brother has an account in my console and I used it to buy the cars. As every other game I played, the DLCs are installed into the game data and are usable in every profile but now there are no DLC cars in my profile and it seems I can't copy save files to other users.


    My question being, doesn't the game let you copy save files and use DLCs between users/profiles?

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