U have got problem with:
TDUPE, TDU Modding Tools, 1.68b Path, Djay`s cars models.
For example, when I want to instal Mazad MX-5 i can see error and some think like these in file patch.txt:
Log D:\Kopie TDU\Mody\MX-5\patch.log
Enabled : True
Events : 8
Has new event : True
* * *
> 2011-05-03 13:49:58 - Running patch D:\Kopie TDU\Mody\MX-5\patchs\install.pch - 7 instruction(s).
> 2011-05-03 13:49:58 - Running instruction #1...
> 2011-05-03 13:49:58 - Running instruction #2...
> 2011-05-03 13:49:58 - Running instruction #3...
> 2011-05-03 13:49:59 - Exception spotted: Nie można odnaleźć pliku 'D:\Kopie TDU\Mody\MX-5\\patchs\\Sky_Rst_F_01.bnk'.
> 2011-05-03 13:49:59 - Instruction #3 ended with error.
> 2011-05-03 13:49:59 - Patch halted because of an error.
> 2011-05-03 13:49:59 - No collected messages.
* * *
"Nie można odnaleźć pliku" it is in English - I can not found file....
I have got original version of TDU and Megapack.
I instaled mod 1975, HD, Magic Map (first ofcourse) but 1.68 i can not. From patch.txt:
Log D:\Kopie TDU\Mody\Patch 1.68b\patch.log
Enabled : True
Events : 7
Has new event : True
* * *
> 2011-05-03 12:55:42 - Running patch D:\Kopie TDU\Mody\Patch 1.68b\patchs\install.pch - 94 instruction(s).
> 2011-05-03 12:55:42 - Chosen install groups: [Required;Generate New Traffic;1.68].
> 2011-05-03 12:55:42 - Running instruction #1 from group 'Required': Brands_name_700...
> 2011-05-03 12:55:43 - Exception spotted: Unable to create edit task on BNK file: D:\Program Files\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\\Euro\Bnk\Database\DB_FR.BNK
> 2011-05-03 12:55:43 - Instruction #1 ended with error.
> 2011-05-03 12:55:43 - Patch halted because of an error.
> 2011-05-03 12:55:43 - No collected messages.
* * *
Can you help me?
PS I tried instal Patch 1.68b "deploy_patch".
** 2011-05-04 10:24:58 ERROR
*** Exception > Unable to create edit task on BNK file: D:\Program Files\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\\Euro\Bnk\Database\DB_FR.BNK
w TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.UpdateResourceI._Process()
w TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.PatchInstruction.Run(Log currentLogger)
-- parent exception --
*** ArgumentOutOfRangeException > Indeks jest spoza zakresu. Musi mieć wartość nieujemną i mniejszą niż rozmiar kolekcji.
Nazwa parametru: index
w System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
w System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
w System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
w System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
w TDUModdingLibrary.support.patcher.instructions.UpdateResourceI._Process()
** 2011-05-04 10:24:59 ERROR Error when running core patch instructions.:System.Exception: Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.
Please contact author of this mod then Modding Tools support, eventually.
(Patch was not applied as an error occured.
Please refer to the log files for more information.) ---> System.Exception: Patch was not applied as an error occured.
Please refer to the log files for more information.
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()
--- Koniec śladu stosu wyjątków wewnętrznych ---
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log log, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall, List`1 chosenInstallGroups)
** 2011-05-04 10:24:59 ERROR
*** Exception > Current patch can't be installed:
Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.
Please contact author of this mod then Modding Tools support, eventually.
(Patch was not applied as an error occured.
Please refer to the log files for more information.)
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log log, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall, List`1 chosenInstallGroups)
w TDUModAndPlay.gui.MainForm._Process(Boolean isInstall)
-- parent exception --
*** Exception > Patch was not applied as a critical error occured.
Please contact author of this mod then Modding Tools support, eventually.
(Patch was not applied as an error occured.
Please refer to the log files for more information.)
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.InstallHelper.RunAll(PCH patch, Log log, Culture culture, Boolean isInstall, List`1 chosenInstallGroups)
-- parent exception --
*** Exception > Patch was not applied as an error occured.
Please refer to the log files for more information.
w TDUModdingLibrary.installer.steps.PatchTask.Run()
** 2011-05-04 10:25:20 INFO Unable to remove temporary folder - does not matter.
Log F:\deploy_patch\patch.log
Enabled : True
Events : 7
Has new event : True
* * *
> 2011-05-04 10:24:57 - Running patch F:\deploy_patch\patchs\install.pch - 94 instruction(s).
> 2011-05-04 10:24:57 - Chosen install groups: [Required;Generate New Traffic;1.68].
> 2011-05-04 10:24:57 - Running instruction #1 from group 'Required': Brands_name_700...
> 2011-05-04 10:24:58 - Exception spotted: Unable to create edit task on BNK file: D:\Program Files\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\\Euro\Bnk\Database\DB_FR.BNK
> 2011-05-04 10:24:58 - Instruction #1 ended with error.
> 2011-05-04 10:24:58 - Patch halted because of an error.
> 2011-05-04 10:24:58 - No collected messages.
* * *
I have not got Gold version of TDU. I have got: