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    TDU 2, Forza Horizon 3, Project CARS 1/2 all on PC

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  1. If I replace by taxis, I will not can use it, no ? Rapidly can you explain how to change the target to replace with tdu2vpe pls ? Can I target all the vehicles, like from hummer to spyker, as I want ? Thank you ;)
  2. [quote name='F12Berlinetta']Hi, it's possible to add a new car in an unused slot (those slots are limited) or replace school cars but you will need to use @binbow 's tool: [B]TDU2 VehiclePropertyEditor [URL='https://forum.turboduck.net/threads/tdu2vpe-release.32907/']TDU2VPE Release[/URL][/B] [/QUOTE] The first part of this message gave me so much hope :( xD
  3. Why did you not say that earlier ? xD This was what I asked at the beginning and I got an answer who says that it's possible to not replace, but use an empty slot on customer shop for just add it without replace, thanks to your tool I don't understand anymore x) Can I at least chopose which car to replace ? Because for a looot of the moded cars founded on this forum, the vehicle replace is a vehicle that I want to keep in game
  4. @binbow : So that mean that for my exemple my new car will inevitably replace the Hummer ? So there isn't a method for just add the moded cars, without replace, even with your tool ? :/
  5. @binbow : Thank you for your answer, my bad english + my bad knowledge in mods are maybe annoying sorry x) Ok so I understand the "Load/Apply - Import/Export" funcions. I've just doing a little thing before your answer, I went to "Dealership" category and delete each vehicles that I don't like for release their slots, in order to have the most possible empty slots for fill them with my wanted moded cars. Anyway, some dealership that I emptied are now invisible in the game, like it doesn't exist anymore. I don't panic, its name is still displayed in your tool so it still exist I thing. I thought that maybe when I will fill that customer shop with my new cars, it will appear again ? Btw, another question (sorry), if I want to add a car, a moded car, that says for exemple "replace Hummer" but I want to keep having the hummer, just add this new car in an empty slot on a customer shop, how can I do it ? The first answer in this thread is that I can add a car without replace existing one thanks to your tool, but I thought about the problem: What is the mechanic for the replace ? Like, if I add the folders of my new car (which for our exemple replace the Hummer) in my "vehicles" TDU2 folders, it replace Hummer automaticly ? 'Cause I thought, for add my car, I can do like I wanted to add it normally without your tool (and replace Hummer) and after having copy folders, use your tool for search my car and place it like I want (so not instead of the Hummer) in an empty slot. But my thought is, it will be to late no ? The Hummer will already be replaced no ? 'Cause I will have copied folders. I hope that you can understand my bad english, again and again sorry x) And thanks for all
  6. @binbow : Up! for a question on your tool. I just checked it rapidly without advices for use, I've seen the "dealership" category. I think I understand how it works but I wanna ask you first. If I want a new moded car to be in a customer shop on a "legit" way, I click on "import" isn't it ? "Load" is for the vehicles already in games no ? Or maybe I need to add the car in TDU2 vehicles folder first, and then search it on your tool ? And after that I just have to go to "dealership", search for an empty slot on a customer shop, add it in, and finally click on "Apply" ? Is this the method ? If I'm wrong tell me, I try to understand myself but maybe I'm wrong Thank you so much in advance !
  7. I understand the problem with addons on TDU2, I thought about that yesterday. It's clear that in a game like GTA 5, we can add illimited amount of cars on mod. 'Cause we use a tool for simply select in game the needed car. But in TDU2 the cars are only on customers, wich have a limited number of slots, so, if I understand well the problem of the modders, we need to know how to "add customers" for add slots, isn't it ? Cause we can't make customers shops larger, it doesn't make sense, we need to add customers shop in mods, for support the amount of new "addons" cars. But since the release of the game, modders still have not found the way to mod it like in many games ? For a modder, add slots, garages, customers or other ways to add cars is this difficult ? @Splia : Yeah, I know it's a solution, but maybe the new cars will not be ones I like, and maybe it will be released in a long time xD so I just asked it, for do it myself if it's possible, I do not want to bother anyone! @binbow : TDU devellopers do not support modders and mod ? Are they this type of devellopers who don't want their game to be modded ? If not, why they didn't help modders to understand the database's structure ? (PS: Thank you for your tool !)
  8. Hi. First of all, my enflish isn't perfect, sorry ! Is just discovered this magic forum, and have already select a hundred of vehicles that I'll like to install in TDU2. (Not really a hundred obviously but... xD). But I have a problem, on every cars mods posts it says something like "[...] replace ???" I understood so that if I want one of yours cars, it will replace a car already in the game, but I had a question: Is this obligatory to replace ? Is there a solution for just... add the car ? Even if it's difficult I would like to know if it's possible, 'cause I have so many cars of this forum that I want to install, it's just impossible, the game doesn't have enough cars to replace (xD) I have already installed the autopacks but I have so many separate cars that I want to Thank you in advance !
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