It only affects regular players that want the unicorn cars. Which shouldn't even be in the game, they shouldn't be allowed to list cars as in the final product, when quite clearly, THEY ARE NOT!! They are available on the auction house, yes, but I am not prepared to pay 80,000,000CR for a Subaru Impreza FGS! For that money you could buy near enough every production car in the game!
There are many things that put me off playing FM3, the ridiculously long season play, the stupidly expensive upgrade parts, (18,000CR for a turbocharger? I think not T10, I think not!), the totally fecked muliplayer, (honestly, I don't mind matchmaking, but why did they feel the need to take away custom lobbies? Maybe I want to set up a drift room to my liking, and have randoms join in? You know, like pretty much every other non-ranked multiplayer system in gaming history.), and the annoying cockpits on most race cars, annoying in the sence that they do not work. Why do they not work? Surely atleast ONE beta tester must have driven atleast ONE of the affected cars!! It's not like it's only a select few of them, they aren't hard to find!
The money glitch fiasco is just the icing on the cake.
Aside from all that though, I enjoy a spot of drifting now and then, maybe even a season play race, but it's not exactly grabbed me by the balls and not letting me go. Which GTA BoGT, has. A game that is very old now, with a few little gimmicks thrown in, manages to keep my attention more than a brand spanking new game. Although, to be fair, Forza 3 is just Forza 2 with a few gimmicks thrown in. :p
Sorry for the massive rant, that is probably going to be seen as off topic. :l