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Posts posted by khevolution

  1. agreed, the getaway, GT5 and MGS would be the only reason i got a PS3, getaway has been cancelled, i got forza so no real need for GT5 the only difference that i would like in GT5 is the in car view, so that leaves only MGS and like diablo said buying for a select game is pointless

  2. right, so been bored this evening and thought of a kewl game to play online one even if there is enough interest


    right basically its a game of tag, but to tag some one they have to kill another player, and to make the game a little harder all the maps must be turned off, if we use the whole map that would take forever, to during set up we would only use one part of the island decided in the lobby before the match starts.


    only a few rules i can think of at the moment ( please feel free to suggest idea's)


    * No Helicopters

    * No Shooting Other Players if your not tagged



    Player List


    * Khevolution

    * Car Mad Mike

    * RuthlessSp33d

    * Mellors Men

    * Baldred GTi

    * Hybrid IV

    * MCW92

    * Crazed Dodgem

    * R4C3M4N14C

  3. well i recently got my new compter and im loving it, and im also liking the sidebar gadgets, especially the mini news feed that you can have, only problem is it only displaying news feeds from sites i don't want, any way to change it to something i want?

  4. You should of bought a Jaguar XK, oh well some ppl likes ford more than jags... LOL jk. Nice car dude, wish we has those kinda focus here


    he said economical:rolleyes:

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