I've sent out more friend invites today if you don't get the invite and still want to be in the club please let me know.
As shown in the first post you need to be grade 0 or above to get a club house invite. As said before you are in the club if you are in the members list in the first post. The club house is an extra to the club and only available to grade 0 or higher. This is why you can't see TDU Central Club in the club list in TDU2.
If a club house is full and you are grade 0 you will be added to a waiting list until the club house is upgraded.
The reason for this is to measure how many club houses we will need. It takes a lot of money, time and XP points to upgrade a club house to 32 members. For this reason the grading system was created to filter members into club houses.
The club has always been designed with unlimited members this is what makes our club unique. The club is setup to run for years way beyond when most players have given up TDU2.
I hope this explains more about how the club works and why there is a grading system. Our focus is to make the club fun and fair for all members and reward dedicated members for their time and effort making the club continue over many years.