I live in the US, and I hear it all the time. Really the only time I talk to anyone other than Canadians or Americans is on TDU, so that could possibly be why I don't hear things like that. I have heard a LOT of the 'fat' jokes/insults thrown at Americans, though.
I didn't, by any means, mean that ALL Americans think they're better than everyone else. Sadly, there are many that do, though.
I played 2 days ago and was just cruising with these 2 people, and they were being complete assholes about it. They kept running into me and resetting me, because I was on a bike. Why? Just because I was driving around with them. They weren't racing or anything, they were just cruising. Usually I don't have my headset on unless I know someone, because I just listen to music otherwise. I could hear them cussing and insulting me, though. All because I just wanted to cruise around with them.
Guess who they were. American kids. Whats up with kids these days? No respect.
After about 5 minutes I just left and cruised around by myself. Found a couple o' bikers cruising around on their Augustas, and joined them. Those two guys were very cool. We cruised around for probably an hour and a half together with not a single word said between us. Why can't everyone be so cool?