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fuelmyfire's Achievements

  1. I don't like that car, the handling is shocking. It's only good in a straight line, and ionly then if you can keep it in line.
  2. :O i don't understand this corrupt save thing, I've never had any problems with mine :S
  3. haha so that'll take about ohh 20mins :P
  4. lol only $2.5mil left :O
  5. lol ok :D it looks best in silver anyways :D
  6. The black one has now been sold, I'm buying your one now MartjinMb. If you want it in a certain colour that will cost ya $50,000 more.
  7. You better a whole lot of love went into that thing. Well 50 miles worth :P There are still 2 cars left to sell. 1 silver and 1 black both are on trade for $3,477,000
  8. ahh right... You might have to wait a bit. I'm not going on tonight, but if there is one still there tomorrow I'll keep it aside for you. Hows that sound?
  9. ok there are now another 2 brand new ones on trade for the same price of $3,477,000 one in standard black and the other in is standard silver. Colour change is possible. how much money do you have?
  10. It is on trade now at the above price, happy driving :D
  11. Now I know how hard it is to get this car in the game, so I have bought two. Now either are for sale but only 1 is being sold. It all depends on if you want one with 50miles on it, or a brand new never been driven one. They are both in the standard silver colour. The price for either car is $3,477,000 I may be able to get more depending on the amount of interest I get from here.
  12. :( it was a great idea but it looks like it my not happen :(
  13. hmmm tried removing all spyware. doing virus checks, defragmenting your HDD. I can out up some links for this kinda stuff if you want?
  14. Has everyone fogotten about this??
  15. so when are we gonna do this then?!?
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