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  1. yeah thats a realy great idea then. and im realy gane buy this game if it looks and does what i think it does
  2. hi im wesley aka tuningforlife i live in holland in 16 years old. im playing tdu for a while im on 50% game completion and i just started drifting but im not good at it i still must learn it. and i play tdu on the xbox 360 and i have forza motorsport to for who whant to know that and if you want to add me on xbox live my gamertag = tuningforlife
  3. does any one want to cruise ore somthing race ore drift but im not good at drifting in tdu i just started drifting so mabye some on could learn me if you wane do this add me on xbox live my gamertag = tuningforlife and the time i live in holland so some say a time and il see if i can
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