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Posts posted by Cuban_Legend

  1. I'd shave everyones head for a 2000 Impreza P1 mind you. :) You talking about the estate version above reminded me of the fun I used to have with those things in GT4 and below.

    I have a sweet spot for the 22B. That rare Widebody coupe makes my thighs shiver... ooh yeah.

    u could turn a bus on a dime in tdu2, im not that fussed about what cars are in it at the moment, im more concerned about the handling, its just wrong.

    amen, physics are horrible right now. The drifting is horrible and They need to take a more realistic approach if they want me to spend money and purchase this game as much as i love ATARI and Eden...


    Excellent. Favorite generation of the Impreza, TBH. The newer hatchback ones look nearly as bloated as the god-awful new Camaro.


    It's been stated already, but I hope we get an Evo IX / X to compete with it as well, maybe a Focus RS / Fiesta Rally Car if they're willing to go that far.


    To be completely honest though, if I could ask for one rally car, it would undoubtedly be the 037.


    Back on the topic at hand, though, I'll just say " :D "




    Right.. I don't know how much more plain I can make this.


    I have the utmost respect for it's rallying achievements, I believe I previously stated I actually don't dislike the Impreza. There are lots of cars I like that would be imo out of place in the TDU setting, this being one of them. An opinion by it's nature does not have to be factually correct, nor am I trying to win you over to my way of thinking. This is me, you are you.


    Please spare me any more irrelevant motor sport justifications. It's in the game, be happy.

    Like i said bro , no hard feelings if you've got respect. I just at first thought you didn't is all.


    Regarding it being out of place: considering that TDU's devs are specifically categorizing vehicles into 3 slots, one being Offroad. Doesn't it make sense they'd pick a few Rally Bred brands that stand out to represent the best Offroad vehicles? So in that case, it seems to make perfect sense that they'd pick at least one of Subarus rally-raced line-up for TDU2.


    Of course we don't know for sure if its going to be under the 'offroad' category but it could very well be assumed safely. Just sayin.

  2. What are you on about? I don't care who drove it. Petter Solberg is alive and well, there is no need for a remorseful memory for him, only Colin. The late great Richard Burns also drove one, but you seem to have missed him off for some reason.


    I'm delighted for the 2Fast2Furious crew, and the more mature individuals who also like the car. Just doesn't interest me on this game. Hard to accept I'm sure.

    I still recognize Burns as a driver. And his game is the best of all rally sims imo, I just didn't like the man as a person. Solberg is my replacement for him. I know, crazy right?


    "Hard to accept?" TDU2's team obviously seems to have respect for the brand off-road quality and pedigree enough to feature it in the game... just sounded like you lacked some respect for Subaru considering 3 of the greatest drivers in Rally History happened to be driving a Subaru Impreza during the peak of their careers is all I'm saying. No hard feelings though.


    Also, calling it a straight 'ricer' is a serious misinterpretation. Subarus are not ricers. They are built to look and sound powerful because they are built powerful from the factory. (they dont require aftermarket tuning to 'look fast and powerful' like highschoolers do with stock hondas/acuras) An Impreza WRX STi with 300HP on 4WD, stock rally-inspired wing and all, @ stock its only a Cobb-Stage-2 tune away from nearing the BHP output, speed and lateral agility of their Rally-raced cousin.


    So not only will I be smoking you all offroad, but I'll be able to turn on a dime on the street while I roll around with my 4WD DCCD Boxer.

  3. OH MY GOD.



    you guys remember how much i begged people to make the impreza into a modcar for TDU1? And how much I loved the poeple who did madke imprezas for TDU1?


    Now my dream is officially true. I can finally drive my RL car in TDU and off-road it like it's rally-bred self its made to!!!








    So beautiful :crying: Looks like a Pre 2008 model (pre-hatchback) model. Possibly a 2006/7, the headlights are the same on 2004/5 but the red/white are reversed.


    Nah I like it, prefer it to the Evo infact. The car just isn't right for TDU imo, but that is just my opinion. I suppose it would work as a run around early on in the game.


    "A run around early ingame?"... Imprezas are rally-bred beasts.


    They were loved by Peter Solberg and Colin McRae, they are rally gods. Show some respect in their memory.

  4. So... I can't give this news the thread it deserves.. >_> I'll be posting this little tidbit I found here in this existing thread until it gets it's own thread.


    Eden Games Senior Producer Nour Polloni details the open world of Test Drive Unlimited 2 where you can meet and challenge other racers in exotic locations.


    An interesting 5 minute long interview with Eden's Senior Producer regarding... TDU2! :D



    1280x720p Youtube Mirror Upload



    Enjoy! ^_^


    Edit: I am aware of the timing glitch in the Youtube Version, and am working on a fix. :)

    Re-Edit: Timing Error Fixed! :D

  5. I have no desire to change the game's atmosphere.

    I think he meant that it would enhance the graphics. Seeing as you did a hi-res asphalt and kept the same style and look as close to original.


    We are all wondering if you will be considering extending doing hi-res upgrades to other more widespread low-res parts of the game?



  6. Speaking of carbody types and sounds...


    Is there any word on being able to somehow fix the Quietness of certain RUF cars when facing forward in cockpit and hood cam?


    Specifically the RUF RGT (mine has the Porsche GT3 RS/RSR)...


    Has something to do with "RGT sound settings (which is not able to be decrypted) made it also a little bit quieter. "

  7. NICE! I just found this thread and realised i have your old CCX installed on my CCR...


    I didnt realize you had made a NEW one...


    I was wondering though, i dont know if you forgot or if it was intended... but the last CCX i have is a 'Roof off version'. I didn't notice one for the revamped updated CCX mod. Did you leave it out for design or realism, or time constraint reasons, or do you have plans to make one to match your old "roof off version" CCX? I don't want this to sound like a request, because I downloaded the roof off version for a reason... and would liked to have seen it in the revamp.


    I will respect your choice, as I am not one to ask for anything of you. You spend your valuable time and hard work on these mods, and out of the kindness of your heart, you share them with us. For that alone, i am personallygreatly thankful. Cheers Tool831.


    To clarify: I like it very much as it is now, i was never much a a CCR driver, but now i see myself wanting to drive it more now and picking it as my vehicle for cruises to get to know the car more. :) Thanks for this mod.

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