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Posts posted by Cuban_Legend

  1. If the mods were publicly released, the people who make those videos are legally entitled to make the movies per the Fair Use Act (look it up). That is like Ford claiming copyright infringement on someone for making a video on TV about mustangs without giving ford their credit.


    EDIT: The only time it would be applicable to have them take it down is if they were making money off of the video, in which you could sue them for the revenue earned.

    correct, all this guys videos are HD tests he's been putting up on youtube.


    And he labels teh mods as [TDU mods] ahe does not give himself credit, nor does he provide his pown download link to the mods, lately hes been adding names of authors, but its no big deal to cry a river over...



    Nce to see the R8 is out in BETA, i cant wait for the final version! :D

  2. If anyone is wondering i had a small poll/vote within my testing group and reviewers basically and they all picked out the cars one of them is a moderator... ;)


    I would post the list to show what was there but it would cause alot of people going offtopic and alot of people requesting that i do this and that etc.. So im not gonna post it.


    Where does this testing group exist? I ask because I wonder if an 07 Sti was on the list? ^_^ LOL


    But you are right, posting that in this thread would cause it to go off topic.

  3. Just a note, i might add cars.. IF! all cars go quite well without issues. :) Cause im not doing much or anything at all this week so i might be able to do it. I got the cars planned if i am going to add more.


    Oh cool. 3 NEW CARS! HELL YEAH!


    I'm the kind of guy that doesn't care what cars modders make, as long as it it's good and has nice details and all parts work as they should, and i have a car that i havent replaced yet to put it on, lol, then everything is OK!


    Zonda F, Wow, amazing, cant wait for that baby.


    When i read 'S2000', i thought you meant Honda S2000, and i almost freaked out cuz i love that car as a convertible and as a hardtop, now i gotta find some cars to replace so i can have both. Then i read it again and figured out i was right, it was the S2000, then i really freaked out. XD


    300 ZX Turbo! YESSSS, that 1990 version will look awesome as a convertible!

  4. 2008-subaru-impreza-wrx-sti_edmunds-02.jpg

    That's so not a sedan o_O

    oh god no, not that monstrosity. WHO LET IT OUT!? RUUUN for your LIIIIIIFE!:twisted: Whoo, i almost looked directly at that picture. *whoo* what a relief , i dont want to go blind. LOL


    Yeah, the 08-09 Subie Sti, is something most old-school Subie owners and fans alike are not a fan of. :P Anything before the 08-09 is ok though...


    Anyways, back ontopic:


    I'm going to be runing 8X SLI AA in my next shots, so no Jaggies for BAtch #2!


    As TDU does not use the power of SLi, SLi AA is perfect for it. It will use the second card as a second 4x AA Buffer, while the first one does 4X AA as well. It eqauls to both cards doing 8XAA in total, t works by both cards samples being offset and combined in order to double the image quality with no performance loss when ocmpared to 4XMSAA. :) Sweet!


    -----PS, isn't a Saloon, what they used to call a Restaurant in the Old American Wild West days? o_0?


    Ontopic: I've got a new car, but not announcing till i know its gonna work 100% correctly.

    *crosses fingers and prays for 2007 Sti* :D


    Either way, I'll be stoked.


    Version 1.2? COOL! DLing now! POstig BAtch #2 of thank You pics this week! :D



    LP640 Stoped!


    I tired some tests some of them was putting the car on another car and then body swapping on the murcielago, still crashed or was totally ugly. I've been trying for 3 days or even 4 and still can't get it and is the most bugged car ive ever done out of my whole time in modding.


    In return of this i will release V1.2 of the LP560-4 and announce another car in this thread which will be another Exotic car which im looking at some now.

    Oh crap, i missed this post. Aw man, its ok. Don't beat yourself up over it. If you cant you cant, you tried and didn't give up but it wasn't worth it. That's what matters most, that you tried and tried.


    Oh an exotic car! Nice... *forget about my little spaz up there* Sti's arent Exotic. LOL


    A man can still dream. :)

  6. No worries, everyone always gets a reply fast as ive got this thread emailing me if someone replys i also have my browser open all the time too. :)


    So you always get a reply.



    Edit: Okay good news i just hit a couple of settings in zmodeler and it now shows that bug. :) So i also know how to fix it.


    Like i said ill fix it once V1.0 comes out for LP640.



    So we get a fixed LP-560-4 and a New LP640 soon! YAY! I am itching to take some pics!

  7. The exhausts are both linked as 1 3D part in zmodeler and use the same texture and as they are linked together the texture is correct on the exhaust. I am doing a V1.2 later on cause there is something that is annoying me aside from the Exhaust issue. V1.2 will be at least worked on after i get the LP640 V1.0 released.


    Btw i do have my specs in my profile. Just so you know i got a Nvidia 9600GT (Overclocked)


    I really hope i don't have to start posting system requirements to use the cars.. :lol: :lol:

    Hey, thanks a lot for taking time out from your schedule to reply on that issue. It's very much appreciated. I wasn't expecting a reply until maybe later in the week, considering how busy you must be with these mods.


    No worries then, you'll be patching the LP560-4 after you get the first LP640 out the door, completely understandable, i think we all can live with that. :)


    Again, Thank you for addressing that little bit of confusion some of us there, it's very much appreciated, with hearing that you will work on it later, the appreciation doubles.


    I look forward to the updated LP560-4 and to the new LP640, so i can post some Batches of 'Thank You' Pics for that car too! (Not to mention "batch #2' of LP560-4 Pics is coming in just a day or two. :D)

  8. OH MY GOODNESS. That is my New WRX Sti sound! Where can i download this?


    I Like the BOV... only have one tiny request.


    The blow off valve sounds like it has a problem, a bit of compression surge, mianly but that's not the problem, most Subies have it. :)


    The compressor surge sounds nice, it just sounds a tiny bit too pronounced, much like Flutter Dump to me. Could you make the bov sound a bit lower while keeping the slight flutter/compression sugre?


    Example: Here


    -Notice the 1st run, when the BOV goes off 3 times, like that.

    -Not the 2rd run, the 1st and 2nd ime the BOV goes off, its FlutterDump, the 3rd time is the flutter dump going away.

    -Notice the 3rd run when the credits start to appear the BOV goes off 3 times , its copressor surge but it lasts a bit too long you'll notice.


    Compressor surge is good, but only when its short and fluttery. If it sounds like FlutterDump, then its bad.


    Differnece between Compressor Surge and the problematic FlutterDump Here.


    Hope this helped.


    Overall great sound, best Subie sound with BOV i've ever heard.

    PS. Would you make one version of the sound without the BOV, if possible. As i run the non-tuned Sti as well. And the tuned one is running the BOV Version.

  9. Whoops my bad, i forgot that the 7x00 series, (including the 7900, 7950, 7800, 7600 and 7300 seris support HDR as well. But neither support HDR+AA.


    It's the 6x00 series that DOES NOT support HDR. <_< /facepalm




    Andreaz1, i agree with your statement, lets await MR. Tools response.


    On another note, i am eagerly awaiting the LP640 Murcielago! Surely NEXT Weeks POTW contest will be chock-full of that car! As this week's POTW is chock-full of LP560-4 pictures! :D


    *goes back into TDU to take some more LP560-4 Pictures for BATCH #2 of 'Thanks You' pics*

  10. Hmmm.. Maybe its just me but i noticed that the texture issue with the right exhaust is on My PC as well. I have a '7950 GX2' and run with HDR OFF, as i have AA on.


    And if you guys didn't know only the 8800 series and UP can display HDR and AA at the dame time. The 6x00 and 7x00 series can not only show one or the other, not both at the same time.And only the 7x00 series even supports HDR, the 6x00 series does not.


    All this aside, if this all comes down to am unknown discrepancy within the left and right exhaust texture itself... why not just have Mr Tool, examine and Copy the texture from the left Exhaust over to the right exhaust?(this is assuming that they are 2 separate textures)


    That should fix everything for all those seeing a texture discrepancy, and would not change the look of it for those not seeing one at all, right?


    Considering he does not want outsiders editing his work without permission or otherwise, only he would be able to do this, and could be issued out as a patch.


    I now leave this to Mr.Tool to respond with whether or not the method i outlined could fix this issue or not, as only he knows for sure.


    Sorry for veering a bit offtopic, just wanted to share my thought. I will remove this post if MR. Tool wishes to.


    Hope this helped.

  11. That's Photoshopped. Can clearly see that on the high-res version.

    Your road turned green aswell.

    What method of photoshopping do you think i could have used?


    Or does sit just 'look' photoshopped to you?

    Aside from 'Automatic Contrast' adjustment and 'Auto Brightness' adjustment done to it, I don't see anything else that would break the rules.


    I believe the road looks green because of an odd color balance in the Photo, does it really matter, or is 'Auto Color Balance' Adjustment breaking the rules as well? -_-


    Color Balancing(The one i posted):

    -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --


    -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --

  12. It's ok , i was confused at first as well.


    But instead of modifying the .map each time you add a mod, this MAGIC MAP file has disabled file size restrictions for all the TDU Files that can be modded, and its a one-time thing, if i remember correctly.

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