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Arnold Rimmer

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Arnold Rimmer last won the day on August 2 2021

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  1. I think since i said about it in the forums (Diablo hates the game) lol, it can cause problems becuase it has the same amount of letters as ****, so if you ask do you like H.A.L.O? They think you said: do you like ****?
  2. Welcome to tdu-central, wrap yourself in bubble wrap and enjoy the ride.
  3. Hey there welcome to tdu-central. Thanks for signing up, make sure to check out the rules which can be found here and then post away. Have fun!
  4. Becuase you're new and the link has broken ill make them for you, this once :)
  5. Isnt this the wrong thread again?! But even if it is: why not just make youre own? :)
  6. Nope 560bhp and you are in the credits on release, i started my own continental when you guys stopped contacting me so i deleted you're names, but youre in the credit when it becomes its own showroom.
  7. Hey there welcome to tdu-central. Thanks for signing up, make sure to check out the rules which can be found here and then post away. Have fun!
  8. My mod does it for you :)
  9. Hey there welcome to tdu-central. Thanks for signing up, make sure to check out the rules which can be found here and then post away. Have fun!
  10. I have the wrong pic to be using around here then? :)
  11. This is the Tdu mods section, please check where youre posting next time please :)
  12. Yes please do edit the post so that we have the true creators name, there's nothing more us modders hate then people stealing our work, please edit :)
  13. why did they ban H.A.L.O as a word?
  14. Cool thats great to hear, if you ever need anything, just post in my mods thread and ill get to it ASAP.:)
  15. Also i recommend having a look at our mods section we have many great modders putting their own personal time into modding for TDU-C, and comming up with some great stuff :) P.S 100th post!!!!!!!
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