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Everything posted by UK HOTCARS

  1. I was listening to the lights thing on Rock FM but I was in work (in Manchester) so couldn't get there. Did you go down?

    1. Mickey Mouse's lawyer says "No, I don't think you can divorce Minnie because of her teeth" Mickey says "For gods sake! I don't think you get what I mean when I say she's goofy" GC :twisted:
    2. Hiya, sorry only just realised this was here!! A lot of our members are from over your way so you've probably seen them around! GC

      1. I tried taking some photos off my TV screen but the quality is pants so I guess my posting photos wont be happening anytime soon!! I bought a Lambo last night but I jumped from an E class to a B class so I think I should be getting a D class, then a C class to work up in order - does that make sense to do it that way or does it not hugely matter?? I tuned my audi TT too, it didn't change its class but it made it a damn site quicker! GC
      2. I'll look out for some of you guys!! I read Gods (is he also Diablo??) post on capturing pics - I think I'll be photographing my telly lol would be good if there was an easier way to share pics or give friends access to your album or something! GC :lol:
      3. If you stand at the very top of the tower and wave you can be seen from Southport!! Honest! GC :bananahello:
      4. Thanks for the welcomes guys! Oh loads!!! Most are unrepeatable though :D GC
      5. UK HOTCARS/UK HOTCARS/Most days really depends on shifts at work/Free ride or cruising. GC
      6. Okay cool, will have to look out for some of you guys to go cruising with!! I've been battering the photos mode too, finding scenic locations and making "action" shots, jumping hills whilst flashing the lights and stuff. I'll have to get some off the box and post them up! GC
      7. Even more great advice, thanks! I've just been earning some money and getting a feel for the island so far. I bought the Audi TT to start with and downloaded the R34 and bought it. I've done a few races/time trials etc and 3 of the car delivery missions, I have $526,000ish. I've done a hitchhiker and a top model thing too, just to try them, and my missus likes shopping lol. I have another question if you guys dont mind, the in-game communication, sometimes I hear nothing for ages on my headset then will suddenly hear a burst of conversations and then they die out again, do people have to be "in range" for you to hear them or something?? Can you set up private chats?? Cheers GC
      8. Hi Guys Thought I would say hi, I'm GC and I will mainly be found in the XBox 360 section of the site as thats what I have! My gamertag is UK HOTCARS - derived from my website www.ukhotcars.com Erm.... thats about it, oh some secrets......... erm.... I like wearing knickers....... GC :D
      9. tWm, some great advice there thanks very much. Also this Forum is one of the few not blocked by my works Firewall - even more of a bonus!! Till the IT guy gets onto it that is! He's a nerd. I work for British Airways and once typed "How to blow up a Boeing 747" into Google and apparently he nearly crapped out a kidney! GC
      10. I can't understand how to connect my laptop to my xbox never mind owt else lol I think I'll be taking pictures with my digital cam of my TV screen lol. Sad but true!! GC :D
      11. That does look very cool! I'm loving the photos option in this game! GC
      12. Hi Nodz, I also went for the TT to start with and I'm sort of going along the way you've described except I failed my first courier mission and it cost me 6 grand lol so it put me off. I've just seen one though and it pays 60 grand os worth sticking at I guess!!! How would I join an online cruise then?? It might be me being thick but I just aint getting the online thing lol!! Cheers GC
      13. Thanks for the welcomes guys, still getting to grips with the online thing, its cool how its all so smoothly integrated and I've just done my first top model job! GC
      14. Hi Guys I've just purchased TDU, I've bought a house and a car and done a couple of races, failed a couple of challenges (courier and giving a lady a lift with her bags) and completed the first acheivment by driving 30 miles. So what next?? What do you more experienced players recommend as a strategy?? Is it simply a case of just keep driving and practising, is it about making money or is it about owning the most cars?? I don't really "get" the online thing either, whenever I have gone to an online race (they're orange yeah?) it always says something like "no online games matched your online preferences" even though I've changed them to try and get online, also the other players I see (with red names above them) are they "real" people or AIs or what?? My name, UK HOTCARS, is also my gametag but its not a reflection on my ability to drive it comes from my own website on modified cars!! Cheers GC
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