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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. There were 3 kinds: Chicken and peppers Cheese and Tomato Some Salsa thing
  2. The one on the left (I think it was chicken) Was gorgeous. Shame I didn't get to try the middle one >.<
  3. Jazz... Check this out. Lee seems to know you rather well (Check the caption) http://twitpic.com/312cu7
  4. Yes. 8400GS is a terrible card for gaming. You'll be unable to play TDU2 properly.
  5. :( Lets hope it's the Mahoosive surprise that not even I know of?! (Unless of course it's the <gaffatape on mouth> ?)
  6. It was an epic day. Loved it. I just wish we lived closer to London, so we could go more often. And uch... I hope no pictures of me get shown!
  7. Integrated graphics won't run TDU at all. You'll just get a black screen. Cheapish card I'd recommend is an 8600GTS. It runs TDU1 at relatively good settings. It can run Gears of War at 1650x1080 on maximum. I only got rid of it as I built a new computer later that year.
  8. This is for forum issues (Such as not being able to view avatars or what not) I'll move it to the appropriate section for you.
  9. As stated, the Beta Stress Test session has already passed, and as such no more codes are to be given away. Thanks to all those who participated, you've helped Eden more than you know... Thread :locked:
  10. What he said. But most of all. Don't base your thoughts on this Beta... It's a bug riddled unstable release. So don't expect phenomenal performance and pin-point perfect handling just yet. It's not a finished game. There will be many more features and the code will be written much tighter to improve perfomance on later releases.
  11. The G100 is a very basic DX10 card. Poor thing only has a 500mhz shader clock :lol:
  12. [allcaps]i hate caps lock... Useless thing[/allcaps]
  13. I've had V1.0, V1.5 and V2. They're all crap for TDU1. The only thing that worked for me was my old Voyager 220v!
  14. Oh. News to all of those who are suffering with the wrath of BT: The Homohub works with TDU2. As long as a single port is opened and assigned to the computer in which TDU2 is intsalled. I can verify that the connection to everyone is a stable connection.
  15. 8pm GMT I believe it is
  16. Stress testing is trying to cram as many people on the servers as possible. Everyone's going to be on on saturday, and that'll be a perfect test for Eden.
  17. I think now, the NDA won't have much of an effect. If we're publicly giving out beta keys, then Eden no longer worry about the exclusivity of it. They're merely doing a server Stress Test on... their servers. Note that the key is for Saturday's Playtest... I don't personally know whether that key will be valid for further tests.
  18. That's the last key gone! May have one reserve, depending on Saop's situation!
  19. Good job you didn't quintuple it, or we'd be dividing by 0
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