After I had read a few posts I thought I should write this:
I stopped modding for NOW, but not ever. I got to do lots of things ATM. School, and I'm starting programing C# for mobile phones. I think, in a few years, it's better, if I can C# and not TDU Modding :).
I hope you understand me. I'm really sorry that I can't release the mods now.
BTW: Modding isn't easy. Not so easy than some people think. Importing isn't easy, too. Perhaps now - there's a new textures importer. But when I started modding, I had need the same sizes of textures, than car's in TDU already had. I must delete lot's of the NFS cars, and had to do much changes.
I got lots of problems with modding, and I found a few guys, which helped me really a lot: BasBas (Ultra-THX!), tool831, eruann0 and more.
I'm 13 years old - my english isn't the best. The communication, wasn't the best, too :o:D.
So...at least: I got all files of my mods....I'm not stopping modding 4 every, only for a few days or one / two weaks.
Otherwise I must go to "Erfurt" in a few days. My grandparents live there.
We also celebrate Christmas there, so I can't mod if I'm there, too. I think, it's a nice time for a little break. I'm celebrating Christmas with my family and friends, then i'll going on modding and finish this R8 and my other mods.
I hope you can understand that. Sorry again for all.
- Shark ;)