Well i thought it could be something fun, someone started a similar thing on a diffrent forum many years ago and i thought i "steal" the concept, basicly its a treasure hunt of sort, we all take Pictures of a Place and all of you try to guess where its taken, and the first one that gets the first guess right as in a Picture proof from the same Place gets to start the next hunt. and im gona start you of with a bit of a tricky one to get to, the general location is in it self simple, but to get to the precise it is a bit of hazzle, you need o be in HC mode to get to it i Think. I´ll give you clues of where it is and so, obviously they cant be to easy, have to make it in to a bit of a challenge, that said, it has to be possible for all to get there so using a "cheat" to Place you on top of a mountain and such is ofcourse a nono, but other than that its just about the fun of it.
The first clue is a quite obvious one
Clue 1: Pearl Harbor
Edit: Forgot to type, ofcourse it dont have to be the same car as i use, it can be what ever you have, car or bike makes no diffrence.